Where you work

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Kirk: you work on the bridge as a linguistics officer so you get to see him all the time. He would usually come over and talk to you when you where both bored. The only problem was that Spock would complain about you two talking instead of working.                                                              

Spock: you work in the science lab and as he was the first officer and had to work on the bridge, you two didn't get to se each other during shifts. Unless, of course, he had to come to the science lab or you had to go to the science lab to get something singed.                                                  

Bones: you worked along side him in the med bay so got to see him every day. The only problem was that you would end up having a make out session either on one of the beds in med bay or in his office.

Hikaru: you worked in engineering so he didn't see you a lot. But whenever something needed to be taken to engineering, he would always offer to take it down to engineering just to see you and you would do the same.

Chekov: you were a nurse and you worked alongside your best friend Bones. So when he was chief engineer after Scotty resigned, he would always try and find a reason to come see you, even if it was just for a small cut.

Scotty: you worked in engineering and were second in command next to Scotty. He loved having close so then he could spend more time with you.

Khan: you were his second in command so you had to work together. He loved it because it meant that if anyone attacked the ship, he could protect you. Even though he knew you could protect yourself.

Wesley Crusher: you worked in med bay with his mother and he liked to work in engineering. That meant that he was in med bay a lot due to injuries.

Hope you enjoyed, guys.

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