Jim: breakup part 1

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Just before starting this chapter off, I would just like to say that there will be elvish in this chapter but I will underline the bits in elvish and put the translations at the end of the chapter . There is also some swearing in this so if you don't like swearing, then skip this chapter. Hope you enjoy.

You and Jim were going to have a film night and agreed that he would come over to your quarters at 7:30 unless he called you to say he had to work late. He didn't call so when he didn't arrive at your quarters, you began to worry. You decided to go to his room just in case he went there, went to sleep and hadn't woken up yet. But what you saw when you got there made your heart break. There was Jim, sitting on his bed, snogging Carol Marcus. They didn't notice you were there until you said, " Lle tela?"

"Oh ( Y/N), I didn't see you there," said Jim. "Don't 'oh (Y/N)' me, James Tiberius Kirk. How could you? Nyota was fight. You are a cheating piece of shit," you said, angrily. " (Y/N), you don't understand," he started, before you glared at him, making him shut up. " No. Lle naa y' liar ar' amin delotha lle," you said. "But," he started, before being cut off. " No. I don't want to listen to your fucking shit excuses. Amin feuya ten' lle! Auta miqula orqu! We are done," you said, before storming out and heading down to engineering to see Scotty. He is the only person who can make me feel better when I'm sad or angry.

"Hey, Scotty," you said. " Hey, lass. You alright? What happened? Did perfect hair do something to make you sad?" he asked. " Yeah, he did. We were supposed to be having a film night but he didn't turn up so I went to quarters to see if he had fallen asleep. But it turns out he was kissing Carol Marcus," you said. "He was kissing her? Why would he want to cheat on a pretty lass like you with her? OK Keenser, keep the lass company. Lass, I hope you don't mind if I go and beat the shite out of Kirk?" Scotty asked.   " Scotty, for all I care, you can put him in med bay for the next year," you replied. He smiled, kissed your cheek and ran off to give Kirk a piece of his mind, neither of you noticing the blush on the others cheeks.

(Y/N)= your name.

Lle tela?= are you finished?      

No. Lle naa y' liar ar' amin delotha lle!= no. you are a liar and I hate you

Amin feuya ten' lle! Auta miqula orcu! = you disgust me! go kiss an orc!

I really hope you enjoyed this and I will try to update more often.

There will be a part 2 to this with a special twist involving Scotty.

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