Request for @lyrakirk- James Kirk

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OK before I start, this was requested by lyrakirk, so thank you Lyra. I am sorry in advance Lyra, if this is not how you wanted it. And remember guys, that you can make requests so if you have a request, then please tell me so I can write them for you. So without further ado, let's begin.

Lyra never thought she'd admit it but she was totally and utterly in love with the captain  of the USS Enterprise, James Tiberius Kirk. She couldn't help it. She thought he was very handsome with his bright blue eyes and messy blonde hair. She couldn't tell him though. She was too nervous.  What she didn't  know was that Jim liked her too. The only person who knew that Jim liked Lyra and that Lyra liked Jim was Lyra's half-brother, Bones. One day, Jim decided to ask Lyra if she wanted to have a drink with him and Bones after their shifts ended.

"Hey Lyra. You alright?" he asked. " Hello, captain. I'm fine, thank you.What about you?" she replied. "I'm fine. And please, just call me Jim. I was wondering if you wanted to come and have a drink or two with me and Bones later?" he asked, smiling his crooked smile making Lyra's heart melt. "Sure. I'll come, "she said. " Ok. We'll meet you in rec room 5 about an hour after our shift ends?" Jim wondered. " Yeah, sure. I'll see you then," she said.  "See you then, Lyra," Jim replied, kissing her on the cheek before turning and walking away. Lyra smiled to herself and mentally celebrated before going back to work.

1 hour after their shifts

Lyra went down to rec room 5 when she saw Bones and Jim sitting over in the corner. When Jim saw her, he smiled and waved her over. "Hey Lyra. Glad you could join us," Bones said. "Hey Bones. Hey Jim," she said, blushing when she saw Jim and hoped that he didn't notice but he did.

Many shots of alcohol later

2 hours later,  all 3 of them were highly drunk. Then Bones went and did the unexpected. "Hey Jim, Lyra likes you," he said. Lyra got up embarrassed and began to walk away when she felt someone grab her wrist  and spin her around. She saw that it was Jim. He bent down to her ear and whispered,"I love you, too Lyra," before kissing her. After they pulled apart, Jim asked, "Lyra, will you be my girlfriend?" "Gladly," she replied, before they both leaned in for another kiss.  

Yay. I managed to finish it. Thank you so much for requesting this @lyrakirk because this was so fun to write and I really hope you love it. As I said before, if you have a request then tell me so I can write it for you.  Thanks for reading guys and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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