his fault

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This oneshot is about Denki

Tw: talk about suicide...

It has been a week....
A week since that kid Jumped, a week since he closed himself off from the world ( well not completely)...

His friends have been ignoring him, it made sense, after all... It was all his fault...

There he was, sitting in class while Mister Aizawa tried to teach...
Everyone hasn't gotten over it yet, It was hard to believe too...

Kaminari didn't even know what Aizawa was saying, he had zoned out and most likely wouldn't be trying to pay attention anyways....

He heard Ashido whimpering in the background, The kid who died was close to her... He felt bad, it was all his fault after all... He could have stopped him from dieing but he didn't....
He let it happen, he was to blame...

Kirishima didn't even bother to look at him anymore... He didn't blame him, who would?

Sero tried his best to keep the others happy but he was clearly suffering..

Jirou had even skipped a few classes, she hasn't really been talking to people and if you mentioned the kids name, she would break down... Similar to Bakugo...

Deku blamed himself, I over heard him one night talking to Iida and Uraraka,
He said " I'm supposed to be a hero, why couldn't I save him?..." Uraraka was trying to reassure him it wasn't his fault, she was right about that...

It was his fault..no one else's....

The bell rang... He got up and grabbed his notebook then headed towards the door, Aizawa had walked over to Ashido and calmed her down with the normal
"It's not your fault". "it'll be okay" and such

Since that was the last class he headed towards the dorms...
No one bothered talking to him or even Acknowledged him, he didn't care though....

Soon it was dinner time, Kaminari couldn't remember the last time he ate but he didn't wanna go down and see everyone , he had to much guilt in him...
So instead he sat on his desk and eventually he dosed off to sleep....

Tomorrow was the funeral, it has been delayed because the kids parents were on a trip, the day he died the weather was bad where they were and had just gotten better today... so the just got here today....

(Next day)

Kaminari got ready, it was time for the funeral...

When he got down he couldn't help but look at everyone.

They were all dressed in black and holding yellow and purple flowers, he smiled but rememberd this is his fault.. none of this would be happening if he just....

He shoke his head, he needed to have a clear mind for this...

Soon Aizawa and present mic came in and told them their parents were here...

Soon everyone arrived and the funeral started, he recognized almost everyone;
Shinso, his classmates, their parents, their teachers, even Monoma and the rest of class 1-B...

... Everyone spoke... besides himself of course...
Telling storys the kid and them had done once , talking about his personality and such,

Denki felt like crying...but he couldn't..He could never... It was his fault.. This never would of happened if he just didn't jump......

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