Poisoned (part 1)

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Kaminari angst oneshot

Kaminari was in line waiting for his turn to get lunch, they were serving his favorite today.
The lunch line was taking forever though, and kaminari didn't have the patience.

I guess someone noticed though and offered their food to him saying "here, you can have mine. I don't like Mac n cheese" Denki graciously took it and then met up with his friends.

—after lunch—

Kaminari didn't feel to hot.
He didn't completely feel bad so he didn't think he needed to go to recovery girl.

That's until he was in class.
He felt terrible, like his throat was fire. He had a bad headache and couldn't stop sweating.

He tried to act as everything was fine since class was ending soon but he was sure he wasn't acting normal because Kirishima behind him kept looking over.

"Kaminari. Answer the question above." Aizawa said in monotone.

Kaminari got up and walked over to the board, each time he took a step he was in pain.

He looked at the question but couldn't read it because it was blurry.
"Kaminari. Do you have the answer?" Aizawa asked again.

"Uh.." kaminari said and his voice sounded hoarse.

Kaminari just stared at the board, his body throbbed. His head was spinning. He wanted to sleep.

" kaminari." Aizawa said "Do you have a answer?"

"53..." kaminari said still staring at the board.

"This isn't a... It not a math problem.." Said Aizawa with a sigh.

"Go back to your seat."

Kaminari started walking back but the pain in his body had gotten worse.

Black dots covered his vision and he tumbled to his side.

"Kaminari!" Someone shouted as he met with the cold floor.

"Get recovery girl!"

Kaminari couldn't see.. it was all black but he could still hear and feel every thing around him.

Something was coming out of his mouth, blood.

He could taste blood.

He heard someone kneel down next to him.

"Kaminari... kid, can you hear me?" Someone says probably Aizawa.
He grabs my hand

"squeeze if you can hear me.." he says and I do, even if it's a very light one.

"Your class is always getting hurt Aizawa! You need to take better care of your students! They're only kids after all, now move so I can examine him." Someone( probably recovery) girl says and I hear Aizawa move over.

I hear her kneel down by me and then feel me.

"This doesn't look good...I need to get him to my office." She says and I hear some of my classmates gasp.

"Uraraka, I need you to make him float." Aizawa says and then my hearing seems to start fading...

"Quick!" Is the last thing I hear...

TBC ⚡️

(Found this one taht I forgot to post- bro I made this back in 2022- 😭Thought I might as well share it^^)

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