Hiddin (part 2)

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Read part 1 before this, for the TW

Part 2:

It was the end of the weekend and Sero just got back to the dorms, he had forgotten how mad his mom could get so yesterday night she over did herself...

He of course covered all his bruises but he didn't notice a few on the back of his arm (closer to his shoulders)

Soon it was dinner time... Aizawa was gonna eat with everyone tonight...
As soon as he got down stairs, he was greeted by Aizawa and Eri, once everyone got down they all sat and started eating.

Sero sat between Eri and Kirishima...

—In the middle of eating—
"M-mister?.." Eri asked pulling on his arm..
"Oh? Yea?" He said with is usual smile.

" Why do you have lots of bruises on your arm..?" Eri asked pointing at the back of his arm..

Sero froze and to others they could tell...His whole act almost crumbled right there and then..
"I-I um..I tripped and f-fell!" He said a little louder then he ment too.
"You fell? That must of hurt...They look bad..A-are you okay..?" Eri said staring at his bruises..

Sero quickly covered his arm with his other hand, he noticed Aizawa watching...
"Where did you get that." from he asked in his normal tone
Sero just stared..

That was an sign to Aizawa that something was wrong...

"Sero come help me with this for a second, Eri stay with Midoriya..."
Eri nodded as Sero slowly got up and followed Aizawa....

He lead him outside...
" Let me see the bruise.." he stated plainly..

"Sure..." Sero said knowing if he said no Aizawa would automatically know something was off... If he didn't notice already...

Aizawa examined his bruises.. and also found one he tried to cover up....

"Where did you actually get these..."
Sero knew this was it...He blew it, Aizawa could tell something was wrong and he couldn't find a good enough lie to convince Aizawa....

He looked down and stayed quite for a moment thinking....
Aizawa waited...

"D-don't um, freak out okay?"
Aizawa nodded...

"My uhm...Mom, she gets angry sometimes and well... My dad doesn't know though and I don't want him to worry....It's fine though..."
Aizawa nodded again then spoke "How long has this been happening?.."
"Since uh..well..a while, I remember being 10 or something and she did this so..." he was nervous... He didn't want his dad to lose his mother...

"I well be fine though, as long as my dad's happy..."

Aizawa just nodded...

"Next time this happens call me... and if I see anymore bruises on you, I well intervene... Sero, I don't want this happening again... Make sure to tell me, okay?" He said carefull with his wording...

"Sure, thank you for um, waiting..."

"No problem kid..."

Eventually Seros mom does hit him again and he tells Aizawa....
Seros mom goes to jail for child abuse and Seros dad feels bad for not noticing...

The end 🐀

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