Hidden (part 1)

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Sero oneshot
Tw: child abuse,

Sero has been abused most of his life by his mother, he has learned to hide it pretty well...

His dad never touched him like his mother, he never laid a finger on him if it hurt him...
This started when he got his quirk.. a combination of his parents.. his moms quirk was called stick..it meant she could make anyone or anything stuck to any surface (which didn't help when she got mad at Sero)
His dads was rope, meaning he could make ropes come from his body...

After getting dorms Sero gotten used to not being hit and when Aizawa told everyone that they were going home for the weekend, hell he was terrified.. he didn't show tough, instead he joked that he was excited about seeing his parents and getting away from his "weirdos" which was only true with his dad..

Soon it was the weekend and he was waiting for him dad to pick him up..

He saw his dads car, waved to kaminari who was still waiting and walked over to his dad.
"Heeey! How ya doing Hanta?"  He stayed messing with Seros head.
" hey stop! I'm good, schools fUn, definitely!" Sero said jokingly.
"HoMe wOrK is So CoOl Oh mY gOd!"
They both giggled and drove home.

" okay I'm gonna drop you off and then go buy something, your mom is inside and she can greet you! I'll be back at 5"
Sero got out of the car and slowly walked to the house, he knew if he went inside he wouldn't be having a good day today and having to hide it from his dad would be hard but he still walked in the door...

Later on...

His mom had her fun, Sero is now cleaning himself up and covering his bruises...
Soon he looked normal, just had to brush his hair..

After that he stayed in his room till his dad knocked and told him food was done..

That was a normal weekend for Sero..

End of part 1

mha angst oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora