Chapter 20.

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A little over a week later...
Lyla, Alex's mother completely adores me. She texted me when Alex went home that afternoon. I doubt he told her anything but it was written all over his face. She knew and she didn't want to lose me, so she texted me and invited me to a dinner party in hopes Alex and I would be back together by then.

I sort of lost track of the days and didn't realize the event was tonight until Alex texted me.

Alex: I haven't seen you at school. I hope I can see you tonight. You can stop by for a minute. I just want to see you

I've sobered up as much as I can. Now, I'm in my room, jumping into a pair of ripped jeans. I put on a plain black shirt with quarter-length sleeves and a silver necklace with a set of angel wings at the end of it. My fake uncle gave it to me when he visited me in the hospital. He said he took in Willow and she's doing great. It was the only good news I had in days.

I secretly don't want to go tonight but my momma is going out tonight and I don't want to be left alone with my thoughts.

With one of Alex's old phones he gave me, I sent for an Uber.

After losing everything, I tend not to give a fuck. I arrive at the restaurant, some five-star restaurant that was desperately trying to make it to six stars or some shit, I saw that I was the only one wearing jeans. I get strange looks, and disapproval looks while I follow the host to the table. When Alex and his family notice me, I notice Patrick sitting a few tables away.

Alex must've noticed them-Patrick, Manuel, Rosalee, and Tobias-before because he jumps up and whispers to me, "we can move."

I shake my head. "Can I have your seat?"

He smiles, the fear of me leaving disappearing from his face, and he grabs my face and kisses me.

I'm not sure what Alex told his parents but Lyla and Dan talked to me with caution, like they knew the smallest thing would set me off. I saw it. Alex saw it. And he stirred the conversation about him which none of us mind. Dan asked about college and Alex smiled and said, "I'm not sure yet because Arabella hasn't picked one yet." My jaw dropped, and he laughed at my reaction.

"Alex, you can't."

"We'll talk table it later." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You better," Dan muttered.

I feel bad. I don't plan on going to college, I don't even care about finishing high school anymore. I only considered college for my artwork, but now that's gone. Alex doesn't know this. He doesn't know how I feel about college or high school or anything really because, for the last three months, I haven't spoken much. I haven't told anyone how fucked up I am.

"Um, I'm going to the bathroom," I say, my voice suddenly strained, and I rise to my feet.

"Do you want me-"

"I'm good," I say, interrupting Alex.

I have to take the long way around the restaurant to avoid their table. I don't think I handle seeing them right now. I make it to the bathroom without an issue. There are about half a dozen stalls and I slip into the one in the middle. I don't use the bathroom, I take the chance for the four safe walls to try to collect what's left of myself. Breathe, Arabella, just breathe. You can hold on for one evening, for one dinner. I owe Alex that much.

When I feel like enough time has passed, I decide to go back. I turn and face the stall door...and slap my hand over my mouth to cage my gasp. I can see feet, male's feet through the small opening under the door. Whoever the hell he is, he's standing in front of my stall, facing it, and he's close. And the door is unlocked. I didn't care about locking it because I wasn't using the bathroom.

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