Chapter 27.

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A few days later...
Tobee has bright brown chocolate eyes and curly brown hair that reminds me of her mother's and my father's. But she has Michael's pale skin and thin lips. She's so precious and tiny. I absolutely adore her.

We're finally all here, visiting Rosalee and Michael and their little miracle.

Me and dad, Patrick and Grace, and even Manuel and Alex.

"I read once that babies can die from lack of affection-" Rosalee punches dad's chest, cutting him off his abrupt statement.

"Why would you say that?!"

"Let me finish!" He rubs his chest. "I was going to say that isn't the case now. She's stuck with us."


"I'm already bruised from you giving birth, haven't I had enough?"

"I know, I'm sorry." She groans and drags her hands down her face. "I'm just tired."

"Yet you still hit like you're wide awake."

"Can I hold her?" I ask Michael. And I feel Alex stiffen beside me. He doesn't do well around babies. He's only here because I am. Michael nods, crosses the room to me, and carefully hands me Tobee, placing her in my arms. She's wide awake, looking at everyone like we're growing a second head. "How are you doing?" I whisper to Alex.

My dad and Patrick started a conversation that caught the attention of the others.


"That would be convincing if you didn't sound like a sick pirate." He tries to chuckle. "Thank you for coming," I whisper, and his grin grows genuine.

"Do you want kids?"

My eyes widen. "Are you feeling okay?"

"No." He sinks into the couch and drags his hand through his hair. "Don't pay attention to me."

"Do you want some coffee?" I smirk.

He shuts his eyes tightly and shakes his head. "Please, don't joke like that around your entire family," he groans. It's a little joke he and I have. It's dark and sexual and I always use to mess with him because it's funny and it always gets to him.

He shifts awkwardly in his seat, tugging at his pants, and I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dad asks me but keeps his narrowed eyes locked on Alex.

"He's nervous," I answer.

"I want something to drink," dad says to Alex. "Come with me." He wasn't asking, he was ordering. He rises to his feet and Alex does the same.

"Papa," I plead.

"No, it's okay." He smiles at me then he and Alex disappear into the kitchen.

After telling my dad I wanted to go on birth control, he's been completely different with Alex now. He's scarier than before and he looks at Alex like he wants to rip out his throat.

"Patrick?" I try.

"Got it." He pushes off the wall he was leaning on and hurries into the kitchen.

"I'm going to take some notes," Michael says following them, but not before Rosalee throws a pillow at him.

"They're idiots," she mutters. Then she points at Manuel. "You're an idiot too. Go with them." He chuckles and leaves the living room, leaving the women alone. "Your dad won't do anything," she tells me.

"I told him I want to go on birth control."

Rosalee and Grace suck in sharp breaths and shake their heads. "Alex is a dead man," Grace sighs.

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