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After those two intense rounds, we all agreed to cool it a little. Asking questions like, have you ever had a pet, or what's your middle name. Whatever. Everyone was still a little confused as to why they kept telling truths they didn't want to, but they didn't pay much mind to it yet.

Then, Gen asked me. I knew she'd want to get revenge, so I chose the safe option, for me at least. "Y/N, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I spoke slowly and clearly, watching her carefully.

When she smiled, I knew it was a lose-lose question. At least she couldn't make me kiss anyone. "Who do you think is the cutest person in this room?" I blushed a little, though it probably wasn't noticeable.

I knew instantly who I'd say if I had taken a Truth serum. But, I hadn't. And I decided I'd use that to my advantage. "Ren." I said smugly. She looked confused, and I knew she had caught onto the whole Veritaserum thing, just not the fact that I did it.

But, she moved on, obviously a little disappointed. "Fine. Your turn."

I looked around the room as if I was trying to find someone, but I knew my victim the whole time. I narrowed my eyes at Malfoy and sneered in a clear voice, "Malfoy." He locked eyes with me at his name. "Truth or Dare?"

He glared at me, and I just smiled innocently. He looked me up and down judgmentally before saying, "Truth." He gave me a threatening glance.

I smiled widely, still maintaining our eye contact, and asked, "Who's your crush?" I hoped against hope he had taken a drink of something this morning or it would've all been in vain. I tilted my head when he had been silent for a solid thirty seconds. "Hello? Malfoy?"

"I have a crush on Y/N Granger!" He blurted out. "Yes, I do! That's true! What is happening? I have a crush on Y/N! Yes!" Everyone was looking at him, bewildered. As was I. They slowly figured out someone had spiked the drinks with Veritaserum.

All I could think about was what this meant. The boy who had tortured me since my coming to Hogwarts had a crush on me? But, I didn't have time to be in shock. I could use this to my advantage. "I thought I was a 'Dirty Mudblood,' Malfoy?"

He stared the fiercest daggers I'd ever seen at me, then stormed out of the room. Everyone was concerned about the fact they were under a truth spell.

"We must report this!" One of my peers said.

Another one asked, "Who could it have been?"

I was too busy eavesdropping that I didn't hear Gen talking to me. Only when she tapped me aggressively on the shoulder. "Come on!" She exclaimed, and led me into our dorm.

Instantly, she had me against a wall. "Did you do this?" She asked me suspiciously.

The way I examined the floor must have given me away because she said next, "You should really turn yourself in. If those doorknobs out there figure out this was your prank, the teachers'll be a lot less merciful than if you turn yourself in."

I nodded slowly. "I was planning on turning myself in the entire time, Gen."

"What?" She asked incredulously.

"I'll explain later. You're right, I really must do it now!"

I ran straight to Dumbledore's office and promptly knocked on the door. "Yes? Come in." I heard Professor McGonagall call to me.

I gingerly stepped into the office and greeted the pair. "I have something to confess to you."


"Ms. Granger, I have to say I'm quite disappointed in both you and Mr. Malfoy. But I am proud that you came to me to confess." Dumbledore was saying as he was leaving to get Malfoy. I didn't answer, afraid if I did, I would laugh. Plus, this at least made it seem like I felt bad.

"Though," he continued. "I am surprised that you would work with Malfoy on anything." I froze. So he noticed. "I was under the impression the two of you didn't enjoy each others' company."

"Oh," I squeaked out, and cleared my voice to continue. "He's one of the smartest people I know, even though he is a bloody idiot."

Dumbledore smiled and left, and I exhaled.

It didn't take long for him to return with an outraged and confused Malfoy trailing behind him. He was glowering at me, so Dumbledore had probably already filled him in. I frowned apologetically at him and said as seriously as I could, "I'm sorry, Draco. I didn't think I could live with myself if I didn't turn us in."

At that, what was already the most vicious of glares I had ever seen, turned even more ferocious, and I wondered if he would tell me off right here and now, in front of the headmaster. He didn't though, probably holding his tongue until we were alone so he could really go off on me.

Maybe he'd even attack me with a spell or two.

I worried a bit before remembering this is what I wanted. I shook the fearful thoughts away from my mind and turned to Dumbledore, as he had begun talking. "The two of you will be performing your punishments together. Maybe it will teach you to get along without breaking school rules."

Malfoy audibly groaned at this, but I just gave the old man a smile and a nod. "My father will hear about this." Was Malfoy's halfhearted response. Dumbledore just laughed dryly and continued.

"Considering both of your impressive grades, the two of you will be spending your next six weekends reorganizing the library for Madam Pince. I'll see you here tomorrow promptly at 7:00am. Dismissed."

We walked in silence until we were about halfway there and my 'accomplice' whipped around to face me. 

"What the actual fuck?" I jumped back a bit at the sudden aggression but straightened my shoulders quickly as he continued. "Regardless of what your most likely faulty Veritaserum made me say, I don't want to spend my next month and a half of weekends locked in a room with you."

He stared at me like I was a bug he wanted nothing more than to step on.

"You sure? It seemed to work pretty well on everyone else. Do you fancy me, Malfoy? Do you spend your nights fantasizing about me? Do you think about me all the time? Think about kissing me? Touching me?"

"Stop!" He snarled. "The only reason I will ever be thinking about you is imagining all the ways I can get my revenge. You will pay for this, Granger."

Then he spun back around on his heel and stormed away so quickly I couldn't dream of catching up.

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