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Tense was an exaggerated description of my relationship with most everyone, especially Hermione. The sole exception was Malfoy. He was the one thing I knew I could count on.

I found it amusing that a month or so ago, I wouldn't have chosen him as my support system had he been the only person left on Earth. I was smiling thinking of just that as we sat in the common room late one night, my head on his lap while he played with my hair.

"What?" He laughed out lightly. We were alone, all the other Slytherins nearly asleep in their beds.

I shrugged. "Nothing, it's just funny."

"What's funny?"

"Well, not long ago, I wouldn't have been caught dead sitting on the same couch as you, and now..." I gestured to our comfortable, if somewhat compromising, position.

He laughed a little. "I suppose you're right. Though, we still haven't told people." His hand froze midway through another stroke of my hair.

I sat up, eyeing him curiously. "Did you want to tell people?"

He glanced away from my piercing gaze. I smiled, realizing he was embarrassed at being vulnerable again. He wasn't used to being exposed, his whole life had been about keeping his feelings in check and under control.

I positioned myself on his lap and smirked. "Draco... are you trying to ask me to officially be your girlfriend?"

He scowled at me. "No. Forget it." Then his eyes snapped up to mine. I drew back a bit from his intense stare.

"What?" I said, annoyed at his sudden attitude change.

A small smile found its way to his lips as he said, "You said 'Draco.' You never say Draco."

I swallowed, a bit nervous. "What? I- that's not true."

"It is true." He stressed. "You call me 'Malfoy.' You never say Draco."

"Sorry?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I laid on him, my arms still folded in annoyance. I looked at him only to find a devilish smirk. "I love it." Then he kissed my forehead and leaned back against the couch.

I silently thanked Merlin for that, because I was sure I was blushing something fierce.

"And... yes, I want you to be my girlfriend. Officially and for real." I smiled and he pulled my face to his for a sweet kiss. It felt like I was walking on air.

Other than Draco, the only thing I could think about lately was Hermione.

I would see her in the halls sometimes, but she would either turn around or ignore me completely.

I wasn't quite sure why she was so pissed.

I silently wondered whether it was less about the fact that I was with Draco, who she hated, or that she just wished I had told her.

She seemed really sad sometimes. I wanted to believe it was because she missed me.

I was beginning to regret my decision not to tell her about Draco. I decided I would talk to her, apologize to her.


"I agree. I think you should."

I was majorly confused. "What? I thought you'd say I should just cut her off completely. You hate her!"

"Yeah, but I like you. And you seem really sad without her. You're always on edge now." I frowned because I was hoping he didn't notice how down I was that Hermione and I weren't speaking.

He seemed to take my frown in the wrong context because his next words were; "Not that I don't love having you to myself. I just don't want you to be upset. You should talk to your sister."

I smiled to assure him I was okay. We continued to walk down the hall as I spoke. "So, you 'really like' me, huh? You care about me that much?" I swayed dramatically against him, my arm draped in his.

He scoffed. "Of course not. I just wanted you to do what I wanted you to. And flattery is the best persuasion technique."

"Liar," I rolled my eyes. "You really like me..." He shook his head, an amused look on his face. "You know, I really like you, too..."

I looked down at my feet. "I know." He said as he lightly squeezed my shoulder.

"You're such a smart-ass." I joked and shoved him gently. I kept my head down because I knew my cheeks were turning crimson red.

He kissed my head. "Whatever. You love it." I did. I really did.


I deliberately sat behind Ron in Potions so I could hand him a note for Hermione.

"Psst! Ron!" I whispered to him and poked him.

He turned, trying to be inconspicuous and failing miserably. "What? You know I'm not supposed to talk to you. She's mad at you, and I'm her friend."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care, Ron. Can you just give her this? Don't tell her who it's from or she won't read it. Please?"

I tried my best to look grateful and friendly, but he didn't seem fooled. Damn my Slytherin-ness.

He did take the note, though. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I knew you were cooler than Harry!" I figured buttering him up could only help.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just stop talking to me or Hermione'll get wise."

"Of course! Thanks so much!"


I waited for almost an hour in the corridor for Hermione. I really, really hoped that she would show up. I just wanted to make up with her.

Honestly, I just missed my big sister.

I sighed deeply and checked the time. I asked her to meet me thirty minutes ago.

Maybe she would come. Maybe she just wanted to make me suffer a little before she could forgive me.

That was fine with me as long as the forgiving eventually did happen.

I decided I'd give her thirty minutes more and slid against the wall down to the floor.

It was almost twenty minutes more before I heard her voice.


I shot up and looked at her. "Hermione, I'm really, truly, so sorry I didn't tell you! I just didn't want you to be mad at me... But I guess that was stupid because you ended up getting mad anyway. Merlin, I'm such an idiot! I just, I love you and I miss you, and please, please forgive me!"

At some point during my little speech I bowed my head, not being able to look at her face as I told her how very sorry I was.

"Y/N, I'm the one who should be sorry. I just felt really bad that you didn't feel like you could tell me about... Malfoy. I was pissed at myself for making you uncomfortable about it and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. Now can we just move past this and be best sister friends again?"

I sighed, so relieved. "Absolutely, that is all I want."

We hugged and walked down the hall together, hand-in-hand, telling each other everything we wanted to say during our stupid fight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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