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We'd been sneaking around for almost two weeks now, stealing kisses in between classes or during our hours upon hours of work in the library on the weekends.

I still didn't like him like that. I think. We still couldn't hold a conversation without nearly ripping each others' throats out. I think (we didn't do much talking). And we still hated each others' guts. I think.

I wasn't quite sure what we were at all, the only thing I did know was that I liked his company. When he wasn't talking... or acting like himself.

Occasionally I caught him sneaking looks at me from across the lunch table, or in classes, but he always immediately looked away, so I couldn't be sure I wasn't going completely bonkers.

Either way, I knew this was something uncommon and fragile, and I feared if anyone found out, whatever this rare occurrence was would be ruined.

I decided I had to tell someone, though. And I figured my sister wouldn't be the best person to confide in about my new fling, considering she despises him with the whole of her being. Her two friends were also a no, not only because they hate him, but also because they'd probably kill him.

So, I decided either Ren or Gen were my best bet. Ren I knew for sure would take the secret to her grave, but I would feel bad leaving Gen out. Especially since she wouldn't purposefully let my private affairs out, she just might get a little overexcited.

I would have to be very careful about where and when I told her.

Despite my decision not to tell Hermione or the boys, I still wanted to talk to them. I felt like I had been really lacking in my Gryffindor exposure lately. They seemed to always want to keep to themselves.

It made me feel weird to try and talk to them, like I was just Hermione's annoying younger sister. I was sure the four of us were becoming friends. I didn't know why they were acting like this.

Perhaps it was their search for the heir of Slytherin, which I had still not confronted my sister about, per Malfoy's request. Or maybe they had started a whole new adventure without involving me.

Just because I wasn't a fearless Gryffindor doesn't mean I didn't want to help. As I thought this, I felt a cold hand wrap around my forearm and pull me into a nearby room. At first I was startled, but hastily relaxed when I realized who it was. I wouldn't ever let him know he'd caught me off guard.

My surprise returned when instead of the familiar routine we had formed, he started with a question.

"Are you doing well in Herbology?" He asked me urgently.

I was confused for a second, but regained my composure and said, "Sure. Why?"

"Well, because I signed you out of it, and I wanted to make sure you weren't failing or anything before your ditching class was irreversible."

"What do you mean you 'signed me out of it?' You don't have the authority to do that!"

He rolled his eyes. "I faked you a note, Genius."

I crossed my arms and examined him carefully. "Why...?" I said, motioning my hand for him to continue.

"Because we're hanging out." He left the room and started walking, and I followed on his heels.

"We don't 'hang out,' we make out." I challenged him, still perplexed and slightly annoyed at his behaviour.

He laughed, which felt both unfamiliar and completely natural at the same time. "Witty." He remarked.

We were still marching through the halls, and I struggled to keep up as his legs were much longer than mine. I focused on my feet, making sure not to trip while also keeping a steady pace.

This caused me not to notice when he stopped and I crashed right into him. He caught me by my elbows, holding me up and inspecting me to make sure I was alright. When he was satisfied, he let out another laugh.

"Watch where you're going."

I furrowed my brows, and pulled my arms from his grip before crossing them skeptically. "What is going on?"

Now it was his turn to be confused. "What do you mean by that?"

I wanted to ask him how he felt about me. To ask if he really liked me or just wanted a make-out buddy. But instead I just shrugged. "Nothing."

I shouldn't care what Draco Malfoy thought about me. I didn't even like him. This was just a fling.

I took a small step closer to him and he motioned for me to go through the door I hadn't realized he'd opened. I did so, and he followed.

"So, what exactly are we doing, now that I've fallen victim to your bad influences?" I raised an eyebrow. "Any plans for our little ditch day?"

He smirked. "A few." Then he pulled me to him and kissed me. It was a different kind of kiss than usual. More sure. More... romantic... Wait. No. We were not romantic. We were nothing.

It was the same kind of kiss as usual. Nothing new, nothing special. We don't like each other. That's what I told myself anyway.

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