Chapter 3

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Looking at the boy who had Aphmau pinned to the wall, Connor felt something, making him not hesitate to walk to them and grab the guy, shoving him off and almost on the ground as Connor stood in front of Aphmau.

Aphmau: C-Connor?

Connor: Are you harmed?

The boy grabbed Connor by the collar, causing Connor to turn to the boy.

Boy: What is your problem fatty?!

Connor: You were making my friend uncomfortable, so I stopped you.

He growls before attempting to punch Connor, causing Aphmau to scream. The moment Connor heard her scream, he felt something in his heart...a urge he doesn't remember having before...something that was triggered because of her because of him causing her to scream.

Before Connor could think, he had already lift his fist and throw a fast jab that broke the boys nose and send him flying across the alleyway they were in and hit the wall, falling to the ground as his nose leaked and he screams in pain before looking up at Connor, who had this look of a monster that was about to kill.

The boy screams as he runs away, leaving the two behind. Connor looked ahead before realising what he did.

Aphmau: Connor...

She tried to touch Connor, but Connor fell to his knees and began screaming.

Connor: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Memories of the "punishment" they gave him when he does something like this flashes into Connor's mind, causing him to have a panic attack as he felt so much fear.

Connor bowls his eyes out as he held his head crying, not wanting to look up at the person there, being too scared and lost in his thought to realise it was Aphmau, not the one who hurts him.

Aphmau: Connor! Calm down! It's ok!

She saw the poor boy cry as he shivered, screaming. From the moment she met him, he was emotionless but now he was

Aphmau got scared herself, seeing her friend crying like this. Connor then began clawing at himself, making himself bleed.

Connor: Please, please, hurts....please...

She stared at Connor in shock and fear before rushing to him, hugging the boy. Connor was scared and about to push her off, until he stopped, feeling the same feeling he got when he was being held by Anna or holding her or Aphmau's hand, causing him to begin to calm down.

Aphmau: Shh, shh, it's ok, it's ok that's it...breath.

Connor breaths slowly, causing him to calm down to the point that he was falling asleep, feeling her warmth.

Aphmau: Connor...

Anna was currently sitting with her friends, talking.

Anna: It's so good to see you girls again.

Sylvana: We feel the same! We have children and barely saw each other!

The girls talk about different things until Anna's phone started ringing. Taking it out, she saw that it was from Connor making she answer.

Anna: Hello sweetie, is something wrong?

There was a moment.

Anna: Who's this? Why do you have Connor's phone?

Another moment...

Anna: Aphmau?

Sylvana looks at Anna, hearing that name.

Anna: What?! Is he ok?!

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