Chapter 12

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Everything lined up for me to sneak out. After dinner Ethan went to the youth centre. He asked me to go with him but I said I was tired and stayed home. Mum and dad then said they were tired too and by 9:30, Ethan was home and mum and dad had both gone to bed.

At quarter to ten I snuck down the stairs and out the front door. I sat in the driveway right against the house watching the silent street. Then at ten to ten I saw Joe walk down the street and got up to meet him.

"You're early." I said standing in front of him.

"So are you. Let's walk."

I looked briefly at the house half expecting my parents to come bursting out and bust me for not being in my bed but then nodded and followed Joe's leisurely pace he set.

Neither of us said anything for a while until I broke the silence.

"Did you just want to go for a walk?"

"No I wanted to talk to you."

"So talk." I knew I was being harsh but I didn't care.

He didn't say anything he walked further down the road to where a bench sat and motioned for me to sit. I sat. He sat down after me with more space between us than I was used to.

"Olivia," he said my name and butterflies appeared inside me the way they always did when he said my name, it wasn't fair that he could have that affect on me, "my mum needs me right now. I tried to explain but she's not willing to accept us. She's not willing to accept me if I'm with you. She wouldn't put me out of the house or anything but she said I'd be no son of hers. You've got to understand how that makes me feel."

I filled with equal parts sadness and dread. I wanted to look away. I didn't want to hear what he was going to say but I couldn't take my eyes off his.

He kept talking, "But when I'm apart from you, even for a day I can't bear it. You've changed my life since I met you. I never thought it would be difficult to stay away from someone, even if they are beautiful. Like a part of me walks away with you. I can't stay away from you Olivia. I don't know what it is but just the thought of staying away today destroyed me. I won't do it."

"It destroyed me too." I admitted and his arms went around me. He picked me up and placed me in his lap.

"What will we do?" I asked him scared. I didn't want to get in between him and his family. I knew they were important to him just like mine are to me.

"We'll be careful. I'll be careful." Joe said. He always sounded sure of himself when he wanted to. I couldn't see how he could be sure of anything.

"I won't lose you." His hand ran through my hair and he pulled me into an earth shattering kiss that reminded me of our first. This time we were more sure of ourselves and moved together with confidence.

"I should get you home." He said eventually.

"I don't want to leave you." I muttered. I didn't have to speak loudly our faces were only a quarter of an inch away from each other and our surroundings were deadly silent.

"We've got school tomorrow." I had no concept of what time it was or how long we had been out for. I just had to hope no one had noticed my absence.

"Sit with me a little longer?" I asked placing my head against his chest.

His arms tightened around me. I didn't feel cold despite it being almost the middle of December.

We sat together just in each other's company for as long as we could until Joe said, "I'm going to fall asleep if we stay much longer. As much as I want to sleep with you in my arms I don't think our mothers would like to find empty beds." I couldn't argue with that and stood up.

When I went to sleep that night I dreamt of sleeping in Joe's arms and I woke tired with a smile.

Ethan and I were early for registration again. I smiled when Joe came in. He wasn't late and he looked right at me and smiled back. He came right up to me and hugged me.

"You stink." I said leaning into his hug despite his smell of sweat.

"Sorry," he sat down next to me, "we had practice before school."

"When did you two even make up?" Ethan rolled his eyes at us in disgust. I smiled at him. So he didn't know I'd snuck out last night.

"I dunno," I turned to Joe, "can't have been after school or before school because your coach is keeping you hostage." I teased.

"Big game coming up." He held is hands up in surrender.

I leaned against him slightly and closed my eyes briefly taking comfort from him being close.

All of our friends had something to say about our falling out and making up but it was all said in teasing and with good intention and I was in such a good mood I didn't mind what anyone said.

Not everyone was in a good mood to see us back together. Michelle glared daggers at us.

"I think she likes you." I said to Joe nodding over in the direction of Michelle where she looked like she was trying to kill me with a glare.

"Don't be ridiculous." He laughed.

"I'm serious."

"So am I. Why would you think that?"

"She hates me."

"That's not why."

"Look at her face now." I put my hand on his arm while he turned around as if claiming him as my own. Then I felt petty and small and removed it.

"You're crazy." He dismissed me. Then made sure the teacher wasn't paying us attention and got really close and whispered, "jealous?"

Before I could respond he had moved away again. "Of horrid Michelle?" I scoffed.

Joe smirked, "don't be."

I rode on a high. I couldn't keep the thought out of my head that Joe had picked me. I didn't get to spend that much time with him. His rugby practices were quickly increasing and his mum was keeping a tight eye on him. Trying to keep him away from me. But I didn't mind all that for now. Nothing could put me down as I was happy to just be with him when I could.

Joe wasn't able to go to Aaron's birthday party. Despite telling his parents that we had broken up he was kept grounded for a week and no amount of begging allowed that to be broken, even for Aaron's party.

I still went with Ethan and had a good time with our friends. As it was a small group of people I even got to speak to George's girlfriend Amy again and I found myself thinking if things were different how we could be good friends.

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