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Emersons pov:
Before I knew it we were in the car and fez was speeding down the street. My heart raced faster than fez was driving. He didn't tell us why we needed to leave. All I knew was I was scared.

"Fez? What happened back there?" I asked breathing heavily.

"Yo chill it's allgood Em." Ash grabbed my thigh and squeezed it tight. He was scared too.

"It's not ashtray. Fezco what the hell happened?" Rue joined in.

"It's fine." Fez said. He was never short with Rue.

"No it's not what happened." Rue asked. I placed my hand on ashtray's for comfort.

"Look I got in a fight. It's not that bad I just don't need the cops around me bro." He said slowing down and loosening his grip on the wheel.

"Fez you better not be lying to me." I said sternly.

"I'm not to chill." Fez said pulling up to Rues place. "Here's yo crib Rue." Fez said u locking the doors. I grabbed my phone and started texting my mom.

Me: hey mama, can I stay the night at some friends houses.

Mama: That's okay with me. Just be safe and please don't have sex. You too young.

Me: I know mom I don't plan on it.

Mama: if you for whatever reason do USE PROTECTION!

Me: I won't have sex. Thank you mama. I love you. Happy New Years.

I clicked the off button on my phone.

"Is it cool if I stay the night at y'all's house?" I asked hopefully.

"Forsure Em." Ash said placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks ash. Happy new year guys." I said kissing ash and messing with Fezco's bald head.

"Your family Em. Your always welcome at our crib." Fez added.

"Speaking of New Years. Let's celebrate!" Ash said rolling a blunt.

"Weed. My favorite drug." I said grabbing a lighter from my pocket. I placed it up to the tip of the freshly rolled blunt. Ash inhaled while the paper and drug fought fire. He let out a soft breathe then took another harder hit.

He handed me the blunt. I took a hit inhaling hard and exhaling trying not to cough. I passed the blunt to fez who smoked like he had being doing it his entire life. Which makes sense as he had.

Rue narrating:

Fez grew up with his badass grandma. Before he lives with her he was with his shit whole dad who own a strip club.  He never knew why or how his grandma got custody of him be he always assumed it had to do something with the fact that his dad hit him often.

Fez helped his grandma run her business. The business of drug dealing. The thing about selling drugs was you managed to meet the shitiest people. His grandma being the badass she was, never put up with them. Until one day when ash hit home from school. Be noticed a baby on the floor of his hallway.

The baby's mother left him there when she stopped by to pick up drugs and left him. Fez's grandma said his moth would pick him up that night. Truth is, she never came back. The baby lives with them. Taking bathes in the sink, eating whatever he could, and just all over fucking shit up. Not in a bad way of course. Actually in one of the best ways. He and his grandma changed for the better.

One particular bath the baby decided to experiment with the cigarette in the ashtray his grandma kept near the sink. He took a handful and shoved it in his mouth.

"Oh what the fuck are you doin kid. Your like a little fucking ashtray aren't ya?" Ashtray. And with that Fez's grandma had named the baby. All three of them lives together. Selling drugs and being badasses. Once when a man owned fezco's grandma money she decided to visit him while he was at a donut shop. She hit him over the head with a pipe. Fezco being the good kid he was tried to stop it. It didn't go well. When she swung the pipe back she accidentally hit Fez in the head.

She never really apologized for it either. She obviously felt bad but never did she ever say sorry. Fez assumed it was a rule of hers.

As his grandma got older one day she eventually collapsed. On the way to her room for a nap. She stopped in her tracks and fell to the floor. Fez drove her car to the hospital. Sure it was a bad idea. But he likes to think he saved her life.

Fezco a grandma stayed in her bed for the rest of her life. It didn't fazed fez much. After all he had a business to run.

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