Movie Night

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Shawn P.O.V

I was going through the candy and chips Isle when I saw someone I never thought I would ever want to see ever again... Lauren.....

She was my ex and well she broke my heart and left me to go through it all alone and I was devastated for months.


Me-laure-nnn hi

Lauren-how's everything and all I'm so sorry about our past I never meant to hurt you.

Me-ya because cheating on me is just a little thing u didn't mean to do. You knew what you were doing but u did it anyways.

Lauren-look I'm srry shawn it's been forever I changed.

Me-ya okay keep telling yourself that I'm just gonna go to my girlfriend Mary because good lord she is nothing like u ur a slut and she is open with what she does. she's beautiful and ur face is packed with make up and we'll she doesn't dress like you that's another thing.

Lauren-okay okay that hurt Ik u only did that because u anted payback now u got it.
Me-bye Lauren

I walked away feeling so good making her feel like shit she cheated on me with my best friend and well he was drunk so he did not know what was goin on. Well I got all the snacks an candy and went to get a movie.

I was walking to the rack when I saw Mary by the album rack and I wanted to scare her so I sneak up on her.


Mary-heya shawn

Mary was sitting there holding over 30 copies of my album in her hands.

Shawn-what are you doing haha omg

Mary-what I just want ur album so u can sign them all and in case if one breaks I have back up. plus the boys need one too for there cars.

Me-haha babe u don't have to do that

Mary-come on ur saying that so u don't have to sign 45 copies of ur album.


Mary-okay let's go get me a basket for these my hands are tired. oh ya btw I meat ur ex Lauren I think her name ways she's like back away from shawn he's mine and I might have kinda slapped her.

Me-what OMGG Mary ur so innocent nice job

Mary-hah come on u goof let's go the drinks are being ready so we can pick them up on our way out.

Me-okay let's go

Mary and I were getting all our stuff checked out and about to leave when Lauren came out of no where and grabbed my face and kissed me hard and I tried pulling away but I was in shock and disgust

Lauren-I told u he's mine

Mary-shut up bitch

Then Mary slapped her in the face grabbed my hand and toke me to Starbucks.

Me-I love how after she just kissed me u still managed to come to Starbucks.

Mary-ya whatever just get the drinks and meet me in the car.

Me-Mary?? Are u okay??

Mary-just meet me in the car Shawn.

I fucked up... what did I do though.. she kissed MEE I DONT LIKE HER WHAT HAPPENED!!!!

Mary P.O.V

I stormed out of target and to the car and just sat inside.
I can't believe him....

You might think he didn't do anything why are u mad but he did do something wrong and it kills me...

He kiss back and didn't even pull away he wanted her....

I could tell that shawn still likes Lauren they dated for a year so I'm bit suprised he still had feelings fore her.

Shawn-hey babe I got all the drinks and junk ready to go?!!

Me-ya let's go

Shawn-did I do something Mary?? I swear she kissed me u were standing right there

Me-ya Ik

Shawn-so what's wrong??

Me-nothing is wrong

Shawn-dont play that with me Mary Ik there is something wrong

Me-it's nothin okay shawn it's NOTHING just let me be okay

Shawn-okay I'm sorry

Me-it's okay u don't need to apologies for caring I'm just idk

Shawn-well when u wanna tell me I'm here for u


The rest of the car ride was silent until we got home.

I walked into the door with the Starbucks

Me-drinks are here guys


Me-no peoblemo

I then walked upstairs to Shawn and I's room to change and go visit Alexa I miss my sister.

Me-u guys can start the movie I'm gonna go home and see Alexa

Cameron-I'm coming

Me-sure I guess?!?!

I grabbed my keys,purse ,drink ,and headed out the door to my car.

Cameron-little sis what's wrong



I started the car and head to my house when I stopped at a gas station to get gas.

I came into the car to find my keys missing..

Me-Cameron give me my fucking keys

Cameron-not until u tell me what's wrong

Me-Shawn's ex kissed him out of no where at target and he didn't eve pull away cam... he didn't pull away

After I said that I was in a foot of tears. I wasn't in a happy mood I was just disappointed and just sad like was I really that bad.

Cameron-look maybe he was just shocked that she grabbed his face and stuff u never know Mary

Mary-just stop Cameron okay I just wanna stay home for a little Alexa is not even home she went to Mexico with Justin her boyfriend anyways I'm just drop me there and just go back over Shawn's plzz I just wanna be alone cam.

Cameron-whatever you want just tell him what's bothering u Mary ur head over heals for shawn don't let this shit get in the way of anything.

Me-okay thanks Cameron but I just don't have the guts to

Cameron-you are an Aries and they hide there feelings A LOT and that won't help u at all it will just make u feel horrible and sick about everything.

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HEY LONG CHAPTER LOVE YOU GUYS THANKS FOR ALL the reads and votes without u all idk where I would be thank YOUU so much.stay beautiful


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