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Shawn's p.o.v

I wanted to punch a wall or break a face or just anything. the love of my life and I just ended things.

Ur probably thinkin how face did u guys end things. Well Mary wanted to end it before it got worst.

I love her....

A lot...

I wanna know what she needed to tell me....

She wanted to tell me something but I went first. It's probably to late.

Well I leave on tour in 2 days I guess I'll just start packing for it. I mean it is 8 months long.


Mary p.o.v

I have been in bed for a week. I haven't are or slept and I feel sick.

Ik u might think I'm over dramatic. I'm not trust me. Shawn is the father if my kid. He was the love if my life.

Alexa-u need to eat sweetie what do u want me to make u??? Name it I'll make it

Me-plzz leave me alone I'm not hungry

I was laying in bed curled into a ball. The door then opened to reveal a worried Cameron and Alexa

Me-plzz leave

Cameron-u need to eat maybe u don't want to but think about the baby he/she need food to live Mary.!.!

Me-FINE OMG I JUST WANNA BE ALONE OKAY THIS IS JUST TO HARD I can't take it Cameron I need someone to be with me with this baby. I'm 19 I can't be pregnant

Cameron-don't worry I'm here okay Mary I'm here shhh just lay down and don't stress it's not good for the baby and eat the baby needs food Mary

Me-okay fine I'll go out get fresh air okay and eat are u two happy?!?

Cameron-u mean 3 I think it's finally happy

I eat a little bowl of soup I mean I guess I miss eating actually food but I just didn't want to eat. It's not for me anyways I only did it or the baby.

I finished eating soup and started walking around the sub with music blaring through my ears.

Talkin body-Tove lo (listening to it😂)

All I want-Cameron and Daniel (AMAZING)

I was walking around for what feels like about an hour and I felt so good.

I kept walking until I got to a park. This is the park where shawn and I were playing around and messing around on the swings. So many good memories about this place. I miss coming here with shawn

He is on tour right now so I will never see him for another 8 month.

I was heading back home listening to Shawn's new song aftertaste I shouldn't listen to his music but I just can't resist it I love shawn.




Something Big Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora