Cameron my bro

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Mary p.o.v

I was sitting upstairs after Taylor left. I just went on my phone for a while and went through Instagram and all that good stuff. After I got kinda tired, before I knew it everything went black (she went to sleep not dead lol 😂😂) I felt someone pick me up and set me on the bed.

Shawn-I like you too but I'm not ready for a relationship.

After I heard that I felt a little pain in my heart. Ik I just met Shawn but I just have so many feelings for him in the small amount of time.

A tear went down my face that I didn't know I held. I the got up from the bed and headed to my car.

If I'm in my car I can drown myself in my thoughts.

I walked downstairs and noticed it was about 2am and all the boys are asleep.

As I was opening the door someone held it closed. I turned around and came face to face with Cameron.

Cameron-where are you going??

Me-to my car why??

Cameron-I should be asking u that question. Why are u going to your car??

Me-After everything today I think I need a break. Shawn said he didn't like me, stuff from the past are holdin me back from opening up to Shawn.

Cameron-do you want to talk about it?? We can go to ur car and u can explain everything to me.

Me-idk. Idk if I'm ready for the world to know Cam. It was a dark time.

Cam-let's go talk about it. 

Cameron and I then headed to my car to talk. Idk if I'm ready to tell anyone but I mean it's been 2 years since I last dated someone or even brought this up.

Me-okay so about 2 years go I was dating this guy name Chris and we were in love. One say Chris and I uk like, hooked up. After that Chris started to treat be really badly and abuse me. After about a week or 2 I found out I was pregnant with Chris's baby. He had went to jail for rape bec I was 16 and he was 19. I was pregnant with a baby boy, 3 months in my little boy had died in my stomach. I'm just not ready for all thi-..

I then broke down in a got of tears after bring up my problem. That problem ruined me I was 16 and my parents are not in my life. I live with me sister.

Cam-wow. I'm so sorry Mary I didnt think it would be this bad. Now I understand your pain. You have been through hell and back Mary. Shawn would never do that to you, you need to talk to him about this all. Let loose and just tell him. How about Shawn, you and I go out for breakfast tmr and discuss this??

Me-I won't mind just don't leave me alone. I need someone by my side when I tell shawn.

Cam-of course. Now get some sleep. You can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the floor deal?!?

Me-NOO your a guest I'll sleep in the room by Shawn. I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Thanks Cam!!

Cam-of course I'm always here for you. Now let's go I'm dead tired.

Cameron and I walked inside and went upstairs. I then looked down at Shawn while he was asleep. So peaceful an quite.

Me-if only you liked me the way I like you.

I then laid next to Shawn, laying the opposite direction. Before I knew it I felt Shawn's arm around my waist and snuggled up to my waist.

I smile to myself and drifted off into a nice peaceful dream....

The next morning

Mary P. O. V

I woke up and headed downstairs to my car. I pulled out a nice workout outfit to go for a run.

I ran around the whole sub for about an hour and the. Started heading back home. I like to say fit and run it gets my kind off things.

As I enter through the door I see Cameron.

Cameron-Let's go out to breakfast at IHOP and invite Shawn. I'll stay and we'll talk about everything.

Me-sounds good,let me just change. Meet me inside the car.

I then changed and headed to the car. Cameron was texting and started the car when he saw me.

Cameron-I texted Shawn to meet us at IHOP.

Me-Alright let's go Cam

Cameron an I then headed to IHOP in my car to meet shawn.

Wish me luck...

Hey guys!!! I'm editing the book and I didn't like this chapter so you'll see some changes in the book a lot. I noticed how this book sounds too much like a 3rd grader wrote it so I'm editing grammar and punctuation!! Look at for need parts and editing. Stay beautiful as always love you guys!!


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