
456 21 0

Mary p.o. V

I laid down on the sand with Shawn to my right, enjoying the ocean view.

I should probably tell Alexa that were dating.

I grabbed my phone to text Alexa and tell her Shawn and I r dating.

Me-hey Alex!!

Alexa-BABY SIS!!

Me-hey I wanted to tell u that shawn and I r dating.

Alexa-that's great!! Just be careful boys can be stupid.

Me-I know Alexa I love you!!

Alexa-I love you too. Anyways r u still staying over Shawn's house or are u coming home.

Me-idrk I'll ask shawn and get back to you.


I then locked my phone and looked at Shawn.

Me-hey am I spending the night again??

Shawn-oh YESS u are!!

Me-are you sure I mean ur best friends are over you house and I don't wanna bother u guys.

Shawn-YOU WOULD NEVER!! They love you Mary.

Me-alright than. Let's go stop by my house so I can pick up some clothes than.

Shawn-okay let's go!!

Skip to Mary's house .,,,,,.........

After we got to my house I opened the door and walked in.

Alexa-who is it

Me-ya sista

Alexa-good I miss u and I really need to talk to y...---- ONGG u weren't kidding about Shawn!!

Me- chill Alexa he's just Shawn.

Alexa-Shut up Mary!! Anyways r spending the night over Shawn's??

Me-yup. I'm gonna get some clothes and go.

Alexa-okay be careful. Stay safe baby sis

Me-I know I love Alexa.

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