Chp 1

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A/N hi guys! This story is a spur of the moment thing -and a way to celebrate my being back and writing again!- so bare with me here QwQ. In this story you're going to see a few repeated characters, Terrance, Cress, Isla, Jael and Arie. They're all in my other story Spyanoia if you want to check it out, complete with pics of all of them. Isla's story is called My Lost Wolf, also on my page. Feel free to check it out to get a feel for the characters before starting, thanks for reading!


Crescents POV

I flinched awake as a box hit my head, making me yelp.

"Get up mutt, we're moving." The man I've come to know as Alex Song demanded gruffly, not bothering to wait for a reply before he slammed the door to my closet shut.

Yes, closet. As a young child I was kidnapped along with my twin brother, my 'foster parents' as I'm supposed to call them in public, only gave me a small 6x6 closet for a bedroom, I had a blanket, a pillow, a few ripped up pieces of clothing -from beatings- and a stuffed animal if managed to smuggle along with us for seven years.

I scrambled out of my closet and helped pack up everyone's stuff. My brother got more than I did for 'good behavior'. Apparently pinning all of his mistakes on me is good behavior now, I can't help but wonder what it would be like if we still lived with our parents.

My bedding and clothes only took up one bag so I packed it last, making sure everyone else was too busy with their own stuff to notice me slip away and shove my stuff in the one bag I had.

After I walked out of the closet, bag in hand, Alex stopped me and gestures to the bathroom.
"We're going in public, wash your face and have Wren cover those bruises."
"Y-yes sir." I muttered, quickly scurrying to the bathroom to wash my face.

Why does the world have to be against me......

I soon called for Mrs. Wren, Alex's wife, and she applied makeup to cover all of the bruises and old scars marring my face.

"This won't help you in the way you really need it, but it'll be enough." She commented as she finished.

I was used to hearing it, the insults. No one likes my face, that became clear quickly. According to Terrance -my brother- my eyes remind him of our parents and that I don't deserve to have moms eyes, or anything like them.

We quickly finished packing and put the majority of our belongings in a u-haul so someone can drive it to our new destination while we fly there. It didn't take too long before we arrived at the airport and waited quietly for the plane to be ready.

Five hours and fifteen minutes later we touched down in Anchorage, Alaska. Alex said we'd be driving the rest of the way to our new city, however long that may be, and had me help get everyone's luggage while they talked to someone for directions. I looked around, studying in the airport baggage claim with curiosity. I'd never been to an airport before but it looked interesting enough. Big conveyer belts held the luggage one couldn't hold with them on the flight, people bustled around to get to their family or cars, some racing for the baggage claim.

I glanced outside momentarily, it was bright -too bright in my opinion. The sun was shining on glittering snow that lay on the ground, a few flakes floating patiently from the sky.

"It's 1:03 pm, it'll get dark and fast, we need to get moving now," Alex's voice ordered as he came closer. "You got the baggage?"

I nodded. "Yes sir, all of it."

And it took all my energy to get your bag....

I could never voice my thoughts, but it felt good to think them. I followed them -dragging most of the luggage behind me- to a white mini van outside.

"Good thing I have friends in high places." Wren laughed at her husbands 'joke' and made me pack the car while she, Alex and Terry all got in.

I packed the car in just over five minutes and hopped in as soon as I finished, praying to well anyone that I wouldn't get in trouble for not doing it faster.


We moved to our new house, a small one story log cabin in the middle of the woods in some city I've never heard of. Of course, I got a closet, Alex and Wren shared a bedroom and Terry got his own bedroom.

After eating dinner and settling in the others went to bed while I cleaned up. It's always been my job, plus it helps get my mind off things. Specifically the news Alex sprung on Terry and I.

We were sitting at the table and eating the steak I'd prepared when Alex cleared his throat, loudly.

"Next week on Monday you two will be attending public school. You're twelve years old, old enough to walk a few measly miles to and fro." Alex started, watching me and my brother intensely.

"You will not speak to anyone except a teacher, you'll be in all the same classes and should there be an assignment you're to be partners, I will not tolerate it if you break these rules." Terry and I nodded, we'd been homeschooled before, but I guess now that we're a bit older the Songs want to see us less.

"If there are any problems at all you will talk to one of us and we'll speak to the principal, Wren will teach you," he glared softly at me. "To apply makeup yourself do she doesn't have to keep looking at your face." I mumbled a simple yes sir and that was that, no arguing, no questions asked. That's just how I learned to live.

I sighed softly, today was Friday so it gave me a few days to adjust to living as an Alaskan before I'd have to go to the school. The only thing I was worried about was, I didn't know how to write. Or read for that matter. I'd only been five for a few days before we got taken and the Songs never bothered teaching me, Terrance got special treatment and reads just fine.

After cleaning I went to my closet and curled up on my rugged blanket, dreading going to school.


Monday came too soon, the weekend was fairly boring and the only thing I really did was learn to write a few simple words like name, age and favorite color. That's about it, and my handwriting is completely awful too, I'm sure everyone with think I'm dumb.

Alex left for some business earlier and Wren sleeps in every day so Terrance and I walked to school on our own quietly, pretty much pretending the other person doesn't exist. It hurt, that my own brother, my twin, would treat me this way, but I acted like I didn't care. I was used to it.

As we walked onto the schools property we were assaulted with hundreds of different scents, and to us, that's enough to knock us back a step. Our heightened senses made it easier to smell everything.

"Stay behind me, don't look at anyone or I'll tell Mr. Song and let him take care of you. Got it?" Terry growled softly, which should've been impossible for the humans surrounding us to hear, except one boy in particular looked at us studiously. The boy had artfully ruffled brown hair that matched his soft, curiosity filled brown eyes. He looked to be around my age, maybe a bit older, and it was clear he'd heard Terrance's threat.

"Alright..." I mumbled softly, quickly averting my gaze to study the cracks in the pavement while my twin led the way inside the school building and to the principals office.

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