Outtakes part 5 ~ April Fools!

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You sitting in the sofa smiling like an idiot:

V waking up in the other room with something over his eyeholes: *gasp* Y/N! 

You: What?

V coming to a dumb ass conclusion: It's happened..

You: What's happened? *trying not to laugh while looking at his lying dumb bitch ass*

V:...I am blind.

You: ..Really? Why'd'you think that?

V: Because your sexiness was too much for me to bear-

You: Awww

V: I'm kidding, it's probably because I have been overstraining my other senses recently, really pushing my hearing... I guess I went too far...

You: Or... There's another reason?

V: And what could that possibly be?

You take a picture of him and finish the live footage you were streaming to b/f/n: Come 'ere, dumbass! 

V: Wha-

You peel the things away from his masked eye holes and show him the picture of him when he opens his eyes: See? You aren't blind, you idiot!

V: Then why can I still not see?

You: Have you tried opening your eyes?


You rolling your eyes: Look at the photo, you sausage!

V looks at photo and sees him laying with googly eyes on his mask: ...

You: You like it so much you're speechless? Awww, V~

V: ... Sometimes... Just sometimes I feel like punching you.

You: April Foollllss~

V: ... I hate this.

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