It's not true

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★Your POV★

This world is cruel, but hardly as cruel as the men who walk it. You had learnt that over time, time spent in your home, in school, through your 'adulthood' and with V.

You couldn't exactly complain, especially since these experiences had been put to good use as of late. But you still knew that something was missing. Even after V had tried to make you whole, to get you to react with yourself and to understand, to FIND yourself... It still wasn't enough.

So you went home. Back to where it began.


For the first week you travelled, you went home, saw your old friends, spoke, had fun, got drunk and had parties in the hills. But you still felt like you were missing something. And as time went by, without V in your life you could feel that once exuberant hole become more of a maw waiting to be fed.

You spoke with your family, not that it went well, your mother still looked at you and spoke to you like you were 12 and your father still said nothing positive and pointed out that you were still fucked up.

The conversation with your mother was dangerous, especially since everything you'd been through. You'd come to terms with feelings of passion and the craving of loving another, may it be of the same gender, opposite or anyone in between. You were at terms with most of life and were happy with it. But the things your mother asked and commented on made you want to strangle her all the more. (A/N this is from experimental with my mum... When I was writing this.. She said that and well it became good inspiration I suppose...😞)

Things such as this, because, stupidly, you thought girl to girl talk, talk about your loved ones and whatnot, you said, "Mum, I found someone I love very much and I'm finding it very difficult to live without them. I see them everywhere I go... Do you think I should go back to them?" You pleaded for advice you hoped that she could give.. but instead she replied,

"Oh that's wonderful! Who is the lucky man? They are a man aren't they? Of course they are, my little girl is all grown up now, she knows that it's just a phase, all that LGBTQ+ bull, it's not real, you're a good girl aren't you? You're a normal girl, aren't you?" She stroked your hair like you were her puppy. Your body was boiling with an unchained fury that you were soon going to lose all control over... And on that day, the person at the other end would burn, and scream in agony, and you would smile and feel so enlightened you could float away on a breadth of wind.

You said nothing. You stood, took your suitcases and all, you rang up a friend, a childhood friend, someone you could trust. You told her everything and she told you to come stay with her.

Strangely enough, she was staying in London with her boyfriend on some sort of 'love trip'. You didn't ask, since it might seem rude to.

You return to the big city in under 3 hours. You'd come from the countryside, a small village where your mum now lived with her sister(s)/brother(s).


You met your old friend and she took you to the chalet she was staying in. "Wow..." You mouth, she (A/N sorry your friend has to be a she for the rest of the book to work, you can pretend tho, this is fiction after all:) giggled and said, "yeah, me and bf/n are staying out here for a while, we reserved it a while back and are finally staying in it, it's like a dream come true! And look, there's a beautiful greenbelt, a large pond with golden eye ducks and all sorts! So as it doesn't feel like we're far from home at all..." She smiled warmly and you hug her. "Woah, you okay there, y/n?" She asked, caught off guard. You nod and thank her for everything. You both talk for a bit and you explain your complicated relationship with V to her, though you don't say his name, for copyright reasons (A/N ;3 lol)... Plus he's a fucking terrorist!

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