And a V for Vendetta in a PEAR TREEEEEE

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[i love you whoever made the vid above such cringe chaos]

"Yo, uh V, do we have to spend Christmas indoors?" You ask, sliding through the hall in fluffy socks.
  "Why must you ask, you know we live in SECRET. Right?" V answered.
"Well no shit, sherlock! But look, I think we can get away with it if we go out at night, maybe head down to the I dunno... park, have a late night romanceee~"
  "Darling, I don't see how a park... in the dark could at all be romantic, there will probably be fingermen around-"
"That's the thrill, doodle oops~"
  "Your names never cease to make me smile... Fine. We may celebrate a christmas romance... in a park.. at night." V sounded totally against it but at this point, he too was bored of staying indoors.

So, the time came and it was christmas eve.

As the two were about to enter the elevator, V dressed in his stupid ass cloak and hot ass titty holdin up shit outfit. You turned around to have a 'quiet word with Mr Silver Face' - as you put it. (You were talking to V's pussy ass fighting doll, you know the knight - i can't remember if it was silver or black or green. deal with it.)

"Listen here you SLUT. When I come back, this house better be decorated like the BEST GODDAMN CHEESECAKE FACTORY SURPRISE IN THE WORLD. You get me? Good. Okay. It's a good thing we're goin' out, I feel like I've inhaled too much of your dust fumes and not given you enough time for more dust to settle on you. That's right, I called you a dusty ass bitch. YOU HEARD ME, YOU DUSTY ASS BITC-"
  "Dear, the elevator won't wait forever~" V called in that sexy ass voice of his.
"And the night is young~" You agree, skipping off after him in your stupidly over the top christmas jumper and (fav colour) trousers - double layered since winter is a tight fookin bitch.

Finally, in the elevator, the tension was high, V's hands were clenching and unclenching, itching to fight some fingermen who will obviously appear cuz let's just put it out there, V is SO fucking hot when he's fighting. 
You on the other hand were awfully odd. Though, probably not anymore than usual. You swayed side to side and stared at the ceiling light.

  "So, how're the voices in your head doing?" V asked, breaking the silence.
"No no. Go back to the quiet, I like hearing you breathe." You smiled, strangely sinisterly.
  "Wha-" He asked.
"Shhhh. Trust me, you breathe nice sounds." You sighed through your nose, realising the writer literally has no plot and is only barely making this about christmas. Her brain has left her body like a karate chopped egg ghost in an anime soooo we are fucked. Well, you guys are - for reading this.

  "Are you okay, the door has been opened for ten minutes, I tried pulling you out of the door but you mumbled something about 'shitty writers' and 'terrible time management'..." V asked, tilting his head to the side.
"You ever been in the sea, sweet cheeks?" You asked, flirting literally so shamelessly out of nowhere.
  "Uhh not to my knowledge, dearest, no. Why?" V asked back confused.
"Is there.. is there a reason you haven't been?" You asked him, walking by his side as if you were on a lovely evening, romantic date thing.
  "Well, other than my whole, tragic backstory getting in the way of literally anything domestic, so, you can make sense of this one on your own-" V explained flawlessly punching a blade through the finger man that just jumped out of a bush at you both. 

The guy's brain matter splattered across the trembling trees, tender moonlight kissing their branches and cascading over the grassland. Each splatter of blood now shining in the creamy glow. 

"Damn, I told you. You's a sexy bitch, that writer got you down to a T but I'm gonna be the one nailing him~" You purr, smirking at how hot your man truly was in this moment.
  "Him?" V asked "Who do you wish to have coitous with? I thought, I was the only one for you, dalring..." You sounded like a weak, sad child.
"Don't worry darling, you're right. I'm gonna fuck you like the bitch you are~" You cooed into his ear.
  "Oh.. I say-" V's words got stuck in his throat and he stuttered as the two stopped beneath an old apple tree.

V for Vendetta x reader (abused fem)Where stories live. Discover now