CHAPTER SEVEN: Council Meeting

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Mike POV:

Next day after the river incident, Andrew was mindlinking Leo. From the looks of Leo, he was worried about something. I waited patiently for them to complete. After 10 minutes, he ended the mind-link with tears in his eyes.

"Andrew was punished for going out. He didn't say about the punishment, but I can sense his pain. He is doing a good job in blocking it" He said. I know that's not the end of their discussion, as I noticed he was focused during the conversation.

"What else?" I asked intrigued.

"He needs us to make a plan in which all alphas and their heirs should be present. He wants us to discuss this arrangement with the council." He explained to me.

"How about like soon to be Alpha introduction, this way they can mingle with each other to make future amends. This will make a good reason for the council." I suggested.

He thought for a second "I guess it will be worth a try, but we also need to have a back up plan."

Yeah, he is right. If that backfires we need to convince them with another. "We need to make sure, our goal is to make peace with all packs and do trades. Alphas will think this is some kind of business gala". I added to our plan.

"It might work. Let's discuss with Drake and we need to make an appointment to meet the council." He said hopefully.

"That is going to be a problem. These days, the council is behind us to drag me out of the alpha position. They think my method is too lenient in terms of leadership" I sighed.

His eyes flashed "Bullshit. We are better than that David. Don't doubt yourself, brother. First, let's try to talk to them".

"Ok then, Ask Drake and the Head warrior to be in conference room within 10 mins" I ordered him and he went in search of Drake.

'Don't say to them that this is Andrew's idea and never mention about him to others, till I say to' I mind-linked Leo quickly. We need to keep this as a secret. Less people, more better.

'ok brother' He replied through the link.

I went to the conference room and waited for them to arrive. I need to help them and I also need to ensure that my pack is safe. Moving forward with the plan, I need to play safe.

A knock came twice and the door swung open to reveal my brother, Drake and my Head warrior Kevin. They all sat in their seat and I started to explain the plan.

"Guys, thanks for coming. We are planning to organize a gala for making amends and implementing trades between packs. Leo, I need you to make a meeting to meet the council. Drake, I need you to make necessary documents regarding the gala and make a sample poster that will be used for promotion." I said and then I turned to Kevin.

"Kevin, I need you to select best 3 warriors along with you to accompany us to the meeting with the council. And also make a security plan for the gala. It should be highly guarded and everyone should be in high alert" I concluded.

I then straightened my back and looked them in their eyes and demanded "Are you guys ready to make it work? I need these things to be done within today without any hitch".

"YES ALPHA" They said in unison and I dismissed them to continue with their task.


Next day....

The appointment is scheduled at 11 am today. We are now driving in our cars to the meeting place that is 30 mins from our pack. Me, Leo and drake are driving in one car. Head warrior with other 3 warriors are driving in another car.

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