Chapter 1

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From within the depths of the Apex facility at Hong Kong, a massive mechanical beast stood tall and proud. It was recently fully powered by a strange energy coming from the Hollow Earth, and a few minutes after the energy seeped into his system; he felt truly alive. He killed his creator and his accomplice and made sure only he was in control - himself, no one else, this was his body. He flexed his mechanical features; his fingers, his tail, making sure everything worked before slicing open the mountain he was held under and using his powerful arms to pull himself out of his containment and into the real world.

Only to be met with his doppelganger in organic flesh and bone. The mecha kaiju crawled out and roared at his impersonator, immediately catching his attention.


Godzilla was rarely surprised of a lot of things happening in the world he supervised, he lived for millions of years and has seen pretty much everything life had to throw at him.

Or so he thought.

Turns out he should have been keeping an eye on the humans recently, as his attention was torn from keeping an eye on the ape and towards what could only be his metal variant. It looked just like him, bar a few human touches to make him look more threatening. He even possessed a red beam that he was sure could counter his own atomic breath. If there was one emotion the king of the monsters felt right now; it was bewilderment, Godzilla could even tell through the mech's still posture that even it was confused. It was as if the world fell silent: Godzilla and the mech stood completely still, both staring at eachother as they tried to figure out what was happening.


"What is that thing?" Mark Russell commented as he stared at the live footage broadcasted from a drone surveying the situation from above. He was surrounded by his fellow employees as everyone gathered around the monitor.

"We aren't sure yet, but we have an evacuation to finish so if they remain there and try not to rip eachothers guts out that will be great for both the city and my sanity." Rick groaned as he was the main man to survey the evacuation side of the past few events in Hong Kong. It was a stressful task as the city was immensely populated, he couldn't bare to total the deaths from all of this when it's all over.


The mech stepped closer to his organic twin, only to be halted by Godzillas firm snarl. The mech stopped but flashed his red yet smaller dorsal plates in return, startled by the snarl. Godzilla glanced at the glowing red plates and flashed his own bright blue ones, so this fake titan wanted to intimidate him, he wouldn't fall for that easily.

Godzilla kept the snarl and started to circle the other titan, checking for weaknesses and imperfections. But, he didn't find any, this fake kaiju was full of defense and offense from head to tail. Almost as if this titan was made to counter every little thing that Godzilla could throw at it. The thought of that made Godzilla's stomach churn uncomfortably, if the humans were capable of creating this, what else could they do within the next few years?

As the two titans circled eachother Godzilla's attention was momentarily broken by a flash of light coming from the ape's direction. He stopped circling and turned in the direction of the light, wondering what caused that, maybe something electrical blew. The mech also turned in the direction, curious as to why it caught the eye of the titan beside him, there was a brief flash but he thought nothing of it and instead flicked his red eyes to the drones ahead, he tilted his metal head and reached to yank one of the drones from the sky into his hand.

Using one eye to peek into the incredibly small camera lens that the drone had, he looked over the small device with an amused cackle. Such small things humans' can create in order to spy on the titans, he knew they would follow him around because humans are curious creatures. While he was inspecting the drone - and freaking out the humans getting the drone feed, he witnessed something huge and furred emerge from the light that emitted from the area.

Kong woke up with a start, after having his heart restarted he needed a few seconds to catch his breath after he was brought back from the brink of death. A huge pain in his left arm reminded him of the dislocated shoulder he had recieved when Godzilla threw him around a few hours prior to this; he needed to fix that badly. His eyes were torn to the tiny figure standing on top of a collapsed building and waving, it was his little human friend, he gave a soft smile at her; seeing that she was alive and unharmed.

Jia signed, 'Godzilla. Not. Enemy.' she pointed to the titan currently staring at them. Kong snarled at reading this, he didn't believe that, how could he? They had fought for so long it was unimaginable to believe the lizard is an ally now. But the ape's attention was caught to the mechanical twin beside the lizard, what on Earth is that thing? It didn't appear to be aggressive currently, but Kong didn't trust it.

Jia continued, 'That. Is enemy.' She thought on her signing for a second before explaining, 'We don't. Know what that is. Don't trust it.' She finished and rested her hands at her sides, turning to look at the looming metal figure in the distance.

Kong turned to face his brave little human and signed, 'Thank. You. Brave one.' He smiled at Jia's excited expression and stood up, he gripped his dislocated shoulder before ramming it into the side of a still standing building nearby, he felt immense pain while doing so but he'd much rather have it in place and the arm being usable than not. Looks like he had a new mission; find out what that thing is and try to not get into fights, he doesn't think he could muster another fight in the condition he's in right now.

Godzilla dropped his snarl as he stared at the ape now standing in front of him, he released a low rumble from his throat, though humans could not understand titan language he knew Kong could.

"No more fighting, we have a bigger problem." Godzilla conversed with the ape through a series of rumbles and growls.

Kong replied with his own, "Good, now what on all titans above is that thing?" He gestured to the mech watching them.

Godzilla glanced at the mech then back to Kong, "I do not know, all I know is that the humans are responsible for it, it seems docile for now so let's get it out of the human city and to an island so it cannot cause any casualties."

Kong hummed, "Can the mech swim? Because I do not want to share a boat with that."

"I can understand both of you, you know." The mech commented as he let go of the drone and watched it fly back to its base. The voice of the beast was deep, almost resembling Godzilla's tone. The voice slightly startled both of the organic kaiju, the humans really thought of everything when it came to building this titan.

Godzilla grumbled something under his breath and started his walk towards the ocean, avoiding the parts of the city than remained intact. The mech and Kong watched the lizard titan leave and followed, but since Kong wasn't a fan of swimming he had to stay and contact the humans for a ship to hop on to take him to the island Godzilla mentioned, he did want to travel to the Hollow Earth but he did not trust the mech enough to just leave.

As Godzilla was half submerged in the water he turned and watched the mech enter, wondering just how this metal titan swims. Godzilla may be old, but he knows electrical items and water do not mix, and since mech was electrical this was a very intriguing situation.

The mech on the other hand just entered and submerged almost immediately, once deep enough his arms folded back and his hands acted like propellers so he could traverse through the water. Godzilla, yet again, was surprised as he submerged too, he watched the mech swim with a strange fascination, however he shook his head and focused on the destination; a lonely island in the Atlantic, thousands of miles away from any sort of civilization and the perfect place to store a newly discovered titan.

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