Chapter 7

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual content, skip this chapter if you do not want to see it.
Read at your own risk, I'm serious.
As the sunlight dimmed from the sky, Godzilla was thinking of ways to entertain themselves on the island, because in all fairness there was not much to do around here as it was all so barren. He had thought about sparring with the Mech, y'know, just some friendly fighting; nothing too serious or intense.

He had brought the idea up to the titan and turns out he was alright with sparring, so now here they were on the wide beach fighting eachother. They tried to be gentle as neither titan wanted to harm the other, that didn't stop a few scrapes and bites however.

The Mech roared and grabbed Godzilla's left arm, trying to immobilise it as he threw the scaled titan away from himself. Honestly the Mech was surprised at the strength he had to throw a heavyweight titan like Godzilla around. Said titan stumbled but charged back to the metal beast and chomped down on his neck, not harshly but not too delicately either as he wanted to grip it so he could run his claws down the Mech's chest in order to scrape it heavily, all the while pushing the titan to a mountain side in a pinning attempt.

The Mech hissed and used his arms to shove Godzilla off him, returning the bite on the neck - though since the Mech did not have any teeth it was less harmful but to make up for that he crunched harder and flipped the pinning around. Using his longer arms, the metal titan grabbed Godzilla's hands and held them high beside his head, rendering the lizard defenseless.

Letting go of Godzilla's throat, the Mech whirred smugly, "I won." He proudly admitted, admiring the view of a weakened Godzilla.

Godzilla snorted, "Not yet you haven't." He grabbed the Mech's ankle with his tail and pulled; making the Mech stumble and collapse from loosing his balance, he let out a confused and shocked roar as he fell but got back up quickly, only to be face to face with a burst of atomic energy, he yelled and shielded his face from any further blasts. Using this as a distraction, Godzilla shoved the Mech onto the floor back first and pressed a foot onto his metal chest, he leaned down and snarled, "I won."

"No fair, you used your atomic energy to blind me." The Mech whined and shook his face so his recently blinded eyes could focus again.

"If this was a real fight my atomic energy wouldn't just be used on your face, consider yourself lucky." Godzilla smirked, letting the other titan get up by removing his foot.

The Mech got back up and hummed, "If this was a real fight maybe I would have used my proton beam, I wonder which one's stronger..." He chuckled darkly, but received a glare from the other titan and stopped. However he let his mind wonder.

Godzilla walked to the Mech and placed a paw on where he scraped his chest, the grooves were not too deep, but still noticeable. The other titan noticed and grunted, "If anyone asks, they are battlescars, no one needs to know anything else." He explained, letting one arm rest on the lizard's side. Godzilla sighed, "Still, I'd much rather have you in peek condition to fight than brandish these grooves that a titan can easily penetrate."

The Mech tilted his head, "Maybe so, but now is not the time, that thought is for another time." He gave a soft nuzzle to Godzilla's neck, he could sense when the titan was anxious and though his own body never really conveyed such emotions it pained him to see someone so close to him go through it. He done his best to comfort the other either way, letting Godzilla return the affection as the Mech guided them to lay down on the beach with the metal titan being the big spoon as he allowed Godzilla to relax, he pressed his back against the mountain and gently stroked down from Godzilla's gills to his side. Godzilla's upper chest and head rested on the Mech's outstretched legs. The alpha titan let out occasional purrs when the Mech stroked his gills; they were incredibly sensitive to touch after all because of their fragility.

The Mech watched as the exhausted titan in his lap fell asleep, he let the titan drift off but remained awake; content to watch the night sky above. Only when it was pure silence did the Mech realise how much he has changed in the past few days; from a killer to a softie, he internally shivered as he remembered the screams of the skullcrawlers that he slaughtered in the testing chambers, how their guts painted the floors green, how it felt to rip skin apart. A small violent part of him enjoyed it, but a bigger sensible part of him reminded his mind that this current situation is infinitely better than being a mass murderer.

It was late at night now and the Mech was jolted awake by the shuffling of Godzilla as the titan awoke. As he looked down he gave a few small nuzzles to welcome the titan back from the nap then sat back again, his red eyes were again stolen from the night sky to the faint blue hue emitting from Godzilla's back, the blue colour intensified for a few seconds before dimming - the pattern repeated until the Mech realised the style of the pattern; it was a mating symbol, a sign between two of the Gojira species to connect and become one. The Mech only knew this because his AI was incredibly advanced.

Seeing it as a makeshift challenge the Mech lit up his own dorsal plates a brilliant bright red, following the pattern that Godzilla was emitting. This time Godzilla let out a small growl and removed himself from the Mech's lap and onto the beach floor stomach first, it was a suggestive stance and so the Mech stood up and walked to the titan. He watched as Godzilla's tail latched onto one of his legs and rested just below his knee, keeping a grip on the leg.

Knowing what to do next off pure instinct, the Mech located Godzilla's anal entrance below the base of his tail and positioned for entry. He moved his metal hands so one gently gripped Godzilla's right shoulder and the other his left thigh, he unwound his systems so his organic matter appeared and - before entry, shifted to bite into the scruff of Godzilla's neck to inject a painkilling solution into his system so the pain of entry was not as harmful. He saw the injection startle the titan below him and was silently apologetic about surprising him with that tactic but decided to distract him by pushing inside his anal canal and only stopping when he was fully inside. He now waited for Godzilla's permission to move, he hoped the painkiller drug worked and stayed working for a while.

A few minutes later the Mech felt Godzilla's hips shift against his own and took that message as a sign to start moving, he began slowly at first before picking up a steady rhythm. He would be lying if he said he did not feel any pleasure with this, because he certainly did, and it was incredibly enjoyable on both sides. He heard Godzilla's mix of groans and roars, he himself let a few spill out of his mouth too just because the sensations were amazing, but he still remembered there were other titans slumbering here along with humans so he kept his volume down as best he could.

Godzilla was in a world of ecstacy, he had never felt so good before, so much so he didn't want it to end. He felt his own member slip out and release some pre-fluids thanks to the Mech's fast thrusting, he didn't even want to think; he just wanted to feel.

Alas such intense bouts of intimacy does not last forever when the Mech let out a very audible roar as he released inside of Godzilla; making the titan in turn release onto the sand below. Both were a panting mess and though the Mech could not sweat; he could feel his systems heat up. However he could not rest yet, he gently pulled out of a whining Godzilla, hid his own member and collected some of his fluids onto his finger. He nuzzled Godzilla before leaving to give this... gift to the humans, though his actions a few minutes ago were indeed filthy, the Mech never felt as disgusted as what he felt when he had to deliver his own body fluid to the humans.

As he walked to the base, he spotted the ape sleeping next to it and tried to remain silent to not wake him or cause any ruckus. The Mech approached the balcony and dropped off the fluid that dripped from his metal finger, it should suffice for the human's testing. He left shortly after, intending to return to his claimed and official mate to comfort them, he felt bad immediately abandoning Godzilla so soon after such intimacy but the Mech would have forgotten the task come dawn and so got it done when he had the opportunity. He spotted Godzilla laying with his tail curled around himself with his eyes half open, half closed as he fought the urge to sleep while he waited for the Mech to return. Upon spotting the titan, Godzilla let out a gentle roar and let the Mech snuggle into him, their tails conjoined as both titans fell asleep.

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