Chapter 2

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The clear, tropical waves of the ocean crashed against soft sand. The island was a small slice of paradise kept well away from much human activity, the only humans that lived here were tightly locked into one side of the island where their base was carved into a mountain side. The humans here knew to never bother Godzilla or any of the titans that came here; this was their paradise among the chaos of the world thousands of miles away and Godzilla made this island his home.

Godzilla wasn't the only titan apparent on the island though, a fellow moth always layed her eggs here because even she trusted the humans. She was egg-bound currently so Godzilla kept an eye on the life here while she was gone, he made it his duty to keep the island as pristine and tropical as possible and made sure that when the humans stepped out of line he would firmly put them back in their place to maintain the island. Though, Godzilla was more of a destructive kaiju and kept away from any really delicate parts of the island that Mothra liked to maintain, with her grace she is more accustomed to small waterfalls and flower life. Godzilla's overall stature wasn't built for careful maneuvers but he tried his best keeping the island beautiful.

As Godzilla and the Mech walked ashore, Godzilla made sure to take the short route near the humans' base; he would let the Mech wander around later. The human base was built high into the mountain which was handy for Godzilla as it meant he did not need to bend down or crouch to see them anymore; they were at nose height with him. He peeked inside the base - surprising a few humans, but didn't see anything interesting nor the humans he saw from a few years back, they must still be at the city.

Godzilla turned back to the Mech, "I need to check something, stay here." He growled, warning the Mech to stay put at the human base until he returned. Godzilla needed to check on Mothras next egg and he certainly did not want the Mech to find out how fragile her life currently is.

"Fine, fine." The Mech groaned and sat down next to the mountain base, resting against the mountain next to the base, he could have sworn his plates were scraping against the rough stone but brought his attention to the ship approaching the island containing the ape he saw in the city.

Godzilla grunted and left the Mech alone, all his instincts were screaming at him to turn back but he ignored it and pressed on. He crossed over half the island to the small hidden area where Mothra's next egg is currently incubating. The cave was big enough to hold two titans in it as Godzilla went on all fours to crawl inside and nudge the egg gently. He let out a small smile when he felt a tiny nudge against his muzzle and turned to leave the cave, his Queen would need more time before she hatches.

As he walked back to where he left the Mech, he found the ape walking ashore after being brought here via a human ship. The ape had brought his axe with him and although it unsettled Godzilla, the axe belonged to the ape's ancestor's and so he wouldn't deny him such a valuable weapon of their time. He spotted the Mech ideally sitting against a mountain staring at the ape, Godzilla wondered what was going on in that metallic head of his, he knew the Mech was powerful and cunning; a combination which was extremely deadly.

"What is this place? It's beautiful.." Kong commented, looking around at all the rich flora and fauna including the waterfalls and even rivers that flowed like veins through the island.

Godzilla walked up to the two titans, "It is a place dear to my heart, I've maintained this island with my Queen for millions of years. It is my home." He replied, he knew the Mech was listening - It always listens. If he was going to trust the Mech he needed to be open with sacred information, it is the natural way to bond and trust in one another and he hoped the Mech will do the same.

"Your Queen? I was not aware your organic lifeforms had monarchs just like the humans." The Mech commented, now turning his attention to Godzilla. "Is she a titan like you?" He asked.

"Like me? I assume you mean is she my species, to answer that; no, she is a moth titan, a benevolent one at that." Godzilla replied, intrigued that the Mech was curious about titan monarchs.

"So in theory and personal guess, you share a... symbiotic relationship with her, correct?" The Mech continued, content to dig deep into his organic twins' history.

"Symbiotic, yes, nothing more and nothing less; we trust eachother to maintain natural order and that is what we do." Godzilla responded yet again, he could see the mental cogs in the Mech's imaginative brain turning in order to process this information.

"I have not seen this moth before, will she visit?" Kong jumped into the conversation with a question of his own.

Godzilla grunted, "Not yet, she is too weak to do so currently; she will come in due time." He left the sentence short and sweet, he didn't want to risk his Queen's life while she was so small and weak. He knew how fragile larva moth's are compared to their moth form and the Mech he brought here could easily one-shot his Queen if the metal titan felt threatened; Godzilla made sure to notice the two missile launchers on the Mech's shoulders.

The humans' set out a drone to capture the situation, as they always do. Godzilla wasn't too bothered by this as he understood why they were doing it; to not cause human panic, but he was not taking responsibility when the Mech caught it between his jaws and crushed it - Godzilla noted the metal grinders within the jaws and mentally shivered at any flesh getting caught in those.

It was at this point where Godzilla needed to take note of all the weapons the Mech had, a proper note this time and not a quick circle around eachother like in the city. He needed to know everything that this Mech had in store so he could prepare for any unfortunate scenario involving a fight.

"Alright, Mech. You need to explain what your weapons are and how many you are carrying around." Godzilla announced, turning to walk to the beach where no harm can be done when the Mech explains just what the humans put in him. Silently agreeing, Kong and the Mech followed and Kong decided to climb a small hill to watch a safe distance away from getting fried or hurt. The Mech stood a few metres away from where Godzilla stood and started to explain himself, he felt that he should in order to gain trust as he knows he cannot take on two titans at once and would much rather be alive than dead.

The Mech held up one hand and flexed his fingers, "Sawblades are embedded into my fingers and metallic grinders in my jaws that replace teeth." He put down his hand and opened his mouth where a small, short burst of red proton energy shot out and onto the sand below, turning the sand from a golden colour to black, "My own breath attack."

He opened his two missile launchers and fired two rounds into the sand, "Missile launchers embedded into my shoulders." He flexed his tail and stabbed it yet again into the sand, "Flexable tail with drill on the end that can spin if needed." The Mech opened his jets that were hidden under his back plates and jumped towards Godzilla before stopping almost face to face with the other titan, "Jet propulsers in my back."

"Last but not least, I can perform powerful punches and stomps that emit a blue energy from them with each hit." The Mech explained with a sigh, looking at both Godzilla and Kong and silently relishing in their shocked faces.

Godzilla knew the Mech was strongly built, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't dumbfounded by the sheer amount of weaponry this titan had, not to mention how smart it is; a smart titan is a dangerous titan because they get ideas that can bring down the balance of natural order. He stood silent for a few minutes after the Mech explained everything and contemplated whether this will be a powerful ally; or a dangerous foe.

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