Chapter 5

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The island was in complete silence, the only sounds being the waterfalls and birds that flew overhead. The sun peeked over the horizon to begin a new day, showering its warm glow over the islands' inhabitants.

Mech was the first to wake, needing not as much sleep as the other titans. He unwound himself from the titan next to him reluctantly, but he did want to explore the island independently and so used the early morning to do so. Since his footsteps were light it didn't worry him that he could wake Godzilla or any other creature here just by walking around. As he was walking he began to admire the life present, ranging from birds that soared the skies to the bees that pollinated the flowers below. The calm nature of the environment was soothing to the titan; it wasn't bustling with humans and he wasn't in a tight containment base, he was free to roam and enjoy the little things life provided.

He heard a small screech and turned in the direction of the sound, he decided to walk towards it and found something bug-like emerging from an egg. It faced him after hearing him approach and startled back, the whole body flashing a deep red.

"You're not Goji. Who are you?" Mothra sneered, her body a red so dark she looked like Rodan.

The Mech stood back to give the bug some space, "My full name is Mechagodzilla, but the titans just call me Mech, I do not mean any harm, I was simply wandering and heard your cry." He explained, watching as the insect crawled towards him, the red colour fizzing out slowly.

"Well, my name is Mothra, although startling; it is nice to meet you, Mech." Mothra commented, tuning her body to return to a calm teal colour as she shook off any remaining fluid from her egg and stepped into the glorious sun rays; how she missed them.

The Mech was silently startled hearing Godzilla's roar break the silence of the morning as he approached, Mech stood aside respectfully, he didn't know much about monarchies but he knew these two titans were incredibly close and so gave them space. Godzilla glanced at both the Mech and Mothra for a few seconds.

Mothra chirped, "It is alright dear, he has not harmed me, calm your growing nerves." She cooed.

Godzilla exhaled, "I thought you were not due to hatch for a while? What is the sudden occasion?" He asked his Queen curiously.

"I heard the events of what has taken place on the island, this is my home as much as yours Goji, now please explain what is going on, your Mech friend startled me." Mothra replied, content to feed on the local plant life while she left the explaining to the two look-a-like titans in front of her.

Godzilla sighed, "Long story short; the ape has found the Hollow Earth, got a weapon made from my ancestor's, we fought for a while, then the Mech came along suddenly from a human base, myself and the ape took the Mech to this island, the humans wanted to do tests on him, the humans found some sketchy organic matter inside him, now I'm tasked with finding that out." He explained in one go, deciding to spill everything he knew as he can't keep secrets from Mothra because he knows she can just find the truth herself.

Mothra looked at the Mech, her head tilted, "You don't look like an organic titan to me, at least not on the outside." She commented before going back to foraging.

"That's the problem, he has organic genitalia." Godzilla snorted, making Mothra straighten up suddenly.

"Oh.. that is a predicament." She hummed, in all her lives she was immune to private body talks, but she never expected a mechanical titan to contain such organs. She didn't see any sense or reason because organic matter is weaker than metallic matter. It just seemed illogical to her.

"The humans have requested my DNA in order to complete the tests, so it wouldn't take a super smart being to figure how that is gonna happen." The Mech cleared his mechanical throat and sighed, "And because Godzilla and I are more related to eachother than the ape and myself; we are... working something out to tackle the problem."

Godzilla grunted in agreement. Mothra stopped crawling and just froze, so that was the only solution to finish the tests, not that Mothra had any personal opinion against it, if that was the only way then it must be done. However, she never expected her Goji to be on board with such an intimate task, the Goji she knew was never the intimate type as he was always fighting or recovering from fights with other titans.

This is... a nice change to her King, hopefully now he would be less reckless and settle down for a bit, she could personally do with a little less fighting and a little more relaxing in her lifetime.

"So, both of you have got a thing going on then? I'm not against it if it is true, but I want to know where you both stand as I do not want to see you two at eachother's throats one morning." Mothra turned to face the two titans.

The Mech and Godzilla shared a look before Godzilla spoke up. "It is not official yet, it is in the early stages so let us not indulge too far in theorising for now." He replied to Mothra, choosing his words carefully.

Mothra nodded, her tonal colours turning a content green as she resumed her eating. "Then don't let me hold you both back, I will be cocooning soon after I have ate enough so I will return for good after my transformation has been completed." She commented.

Godzilla hummed and gave the small bug a lick on her cheek before turning to leave her be, she needed time alone to cocoon and he will happily give her that space. The Mech followed Godzilla away from Mothra.

"So, this situation between us, you're not upset about it are you?" The Mech asked, he would hate to force the lizard into anything he refused to do and wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly.

Godzilla stopped walking at the Mech's question, "I am not upset about this, if anything this is the opportunity to live in peace for a few years at minimum, I am willing to commit if you are; as insane as it sounds."

"I am willing too, I want to remove the stigma that I am a dangerous titan; I'm really not, violence is not my intention and never will be unless needed to." The Mech replied, "I want to see what life can do, what it can throw at us."

Godzilla hummed, satisfied with the response he got. He decided it was his turn to ask a question now, "My question is, can you feel things? Like do you have some sort of nerve system in there that you can feel any sort of touch?"

The Mech chuckled, "Yes, I can indeed feel, I felt our tails intertwine and the nuzzling shared from last night, so I can most definitely feel things, though I wouldn't ask why as I am unsure myself but I am not complaining." He returned to the same spot they slept at the night prior and layed down. He felt Godzilla lay down and press against his side, though the Mech could not physically emote he was smiling on the inside. He felt their tails connect again and relaxed; if this was the good route then he made the right decision thinking before acting back in the city. He dread to think what would've became of him if he immediately attacked the titans without thinking.

Godzilla felt more content than ever knowing that the Mech was on board with him when it came to developing a form of relationship that ensured no violence was acted upon. He shared some lazy mid-morning nuzzles with the titan next to him as it was still early enough in the day for them to laze around.

The Mech was over the moon with the affection he was both receiving and giving in turn, he never felt so appreciated in his entire creation and it warmed him greatly.

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