Chapter 4

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Out of all the outcomes Godzilla expected, this was not one of them. He expected a hidden missile launcher, or a sawblade, something dangerous.

But this?

This takes the term 'Bio-weapon' to a whole new level.

Kong was just as disturbed by the outcome, he understood that dangerous titans had weapons of war attached to them, but what he didn't understand was why a 95 percent metallic titan needed biological matter, most importantly why genitalia? Surely the titan does not need such organic matter in order to function; its a living super titan! With weapons head to toe and the ability of slaughter any titan given the chance.

Kong felt a little guilty pulling his young friend into this because let's face it, she's too young for such mature content; her soul too pure and innocent. Kong didn't mind using his own curiosity for the sake of sparing Jia's, though he knew Godzilla would want more part in this than himself, Kong was just here to supervise both titans until given the all-clear to leave to the Hollow Earth.


"Why does the Mech have a dick?" Rick questioned, but received a small slap on the back of his head by Ilene to remind him there were children present. Rick rubbed the back of his head and grimaced.

"Why does it need one?" Madison Russell joined in the conversation; unlike Jia, she was old enough to participate in such mature content and quite frankly anything that involves titans she wants involved in so there was no stopping her from not participating - her father knew that and stopped trying to stop her after a while.

"Most importantly, what is the purpose of the idea? So it can breed with other titans? That's incredibly messed up especially considering it's a metallic titan." Mark added in disgust, the whole situation disturbed him immensely and he'd much rather have it solved and moved on than sit on the problem for months - he was sure to put up his resignation letter if they were still trying to solve this problem.

"Let's face it, the female titans aren't that stupid to let a Mech that they don't even know breed them, nor is the Mech overly attractive for females." Madison commented, looking out to the balcony at the three titans currently present. She pondered for a few minutes in the silent base before snapping her fingers as she found a suitable theory, "Well, the Mech is designed as a Godzilla specimen, yes?" She asked the current staff littering the base.

She received a few thoughtful nods and decided to continue, "What if the Mech is designed to fill the gap for Godzilla's extremely endangered species?" She smirked.

But she was immediately shut down by Rick, "Godzilla is a male, Maddie, at least for what we know of, so two males naturally cannot breed because none contain the eggs needed for fertilisation." He smirked back at Madison, who narrowed her eyes as her theory was debunked.

"Even if we were to hook up the Mech with a titan, how do we know he's fertile? The rest of his body is made of pure metal and alloys, so the eggs would not make sense because the Mech does not carry a genome like all organic beings do." Mark added, his face concentrating on what information for the Mech was salvaged from Apex's destroyed base in Hong Kong. All they found was blueprints and design ideas, there was nothing on the idea for genitalia.

"What if we get a sample?" Rick mentioned casually, all attention was on him now for the preposterous idea.

Madison and Ilene chuckled. "Yeah, good luck with that dude." Madison smirked, "I do not want to be a part of that orgy."

"Maddie, language." Mark narrowed his eyes at his daughter, he was aware of Jia's presence and was silently thankful she could not hear the fowl words that were spoken.

Godzilla vs Kong: What If?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora