Chapter 6

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The day progressed nicely, at least to Godzilla and the Mech, who were still cuddled next to eachother even as late afternoon approached. It was calm with the two titans until a small snap was heard when Godzilla was shifting his body, it made the two titans freeze.

"What was that?" The Mech commented warily, the sound came from Godzilla himself so he'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried.

Godzilla sighed, "One of my plates snapped, it's no huge deal I just need to remove it so a new one can form in its place." He lifted his head and peered at his back, his dorsal plates often snapped and cracked after battles, this one just came a little late. It was like a preening process; to ensure the dorsal plates' health you have to remove the old ones so new, healthy ones can replace them.

The Mech lifted his upper body and peered down at Godzilla's back, "Do you... want me to help? I can reach in there and remove it?" He asked, it didn't seem like too much of a hassle to just find the plate and gently remove it. 

Godzilla glanced at the Mech before snorting and rested his head back on the ground, "Go ahead, just be careful, they are fragile."

The Mech nodded and sat up on his back legs, content to just work his way through Godzilla's plates to find the broken one and remove it. He started off by observing the plates from his neck to his tail, trying to find the odd one out that looks out of place with the perfectly neat ones. He spotted the broken one after a few minutes of searching; it was wedged between two large plates and was broken in an uncomfortable manner, the plate itself was jutting out sharply and poking Godzilla. The Mech grimaced inside and reached in to pull the plate out, his inner panic stirred when Godzilla let out a pained roar as he removed the plate but it needed to come out and so he fought through it.

After a few minutes of wiggling the plate out it gave way and let go of Godzilla's thick hide, blood was dripping off at the base but that was to be expected as it was quite literally pulled from Godzilla. The Mech placed the plate down near Godzilla's arms so the scaled titan could check on it.

"Do not worry about the bleeding, my regeneration will make short work on healing that within a few hours." Godzilla commented, shifting so he sat on his hind legs like the Mech and fiddled the plate between his fingers. "It is a dead plate; which means useless, it is nothing but hard stone and keratin now as there are no traces of my powers in it." Godzilla snorted.

Both titans were startled when Kong came running suddenly, the ape titan exhaled, "I heard a roar, what happened?" He glanced at the two of them before realising, "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" He hesitantly asked.

The Mech chuckled, "No, no, you are alright, I was simply removing a dead plate from Godzilla with his permission." He explained.

Godzilla added, "It is useless to us now and I know your kind has a talent for crafting items out of objects so take my plate." He stood up and gave the plate to Kong, it might come in handy for the ape's crafting, whatever he may craft from it.

Kong held the plate and looked it over, "Thanks, I guess." He grunted, "At least this will keep me busy while on this island." He contemplated before turning away and heading back to the human settlement, he was content to stay near his friend for the time being so he made that place his temporary home.

Godzilla watched him leave before turning back to the Mech and giving him a soft nuzzle as thanks for removing the plate, he wasn't sure if he could remove it by himself if he was alone. The Mech whirred contently while returning the gesture, he watched Godzilla lay down and followed suit.

"So, you obviously do not need food, correct?" Godzilla asked, he wondered about what other organic systems might be hidden inside the metallic body.

The Mech hummed, "Correct, I do not have a stomach as I have no real throat to ingest food; the only purpose of my supposed throat is for my proton beam." He replied throughly.

Godzilla grunted, "That is very interesting..." He contemplated.

"I know your organic body carries secrets that no one knows, I heard my creator's discussing something about your DNA, what is it?" The Mech added his own question to the mix, there was something about the lizard titan, his creator's were constantly discussing it and were seemingly fascinated about it.

Godzilla sighed, alas not even his DNA could be spared from the world of those curious. "Within my DNA there is a unique gene called parthenogenesis, it is the ability to self-reproduce and enables me to fertilise my own eggs without needing a mate, the process has enabled my species to carry on when there were no females." He explained.

"So in theory, if you activate that gene you will be somewhat pregnant? How would that go along if the titans find out?" The Mech asked, he had never heard of such a unique gene before, it made sense why his creator's were fascinated by Godzilla's DNA now, they were trying to isolate that gene within a sample of Godzilla's blood.

Godzilla nodded, "I would be classed as pregnant like any female, I would also receive all the normal symptoms of pregnancy no matter my biological sex, it matters in the genes not body parts." He explained the first half of the Mech's question before continuing, "I would keep the pregnancy a secret, only those close would know of the event, my Queen would take over on duties until I can lay the egg but if there was a fight I would need to step in because Mothra is not built for heavy fights."

"Were you ever thinking of activating that gene?" The Mech asked.

"I have contemplated it many times, but any time I would set the plan into action something dangerous would arise and I would have to step in, therefore forgoing any more actions on my behalf." Godzilla watched the sun dip beyond the mountains as the skies turned a deep orange and pink.

"Well, would you consider it more now that you have titans close that you can rely on?" The Mech commented, nuzzling his face in the crook of Godzilla's neck.

Godzilla let out a gentle purr at the affection, "Maybe, I would only do it if I felt like my throne was in danger or if I was in a life-threatening event like some rouge titan destroying the planet or something."

"That's understandable." The Mech replied, his eyes fixed on the jagged scars littering Godzilla's neck, it fascinated him on how many times his neck has been injured and he still survived. The scars were rough and looked like they hurt at the time that they were inflicted, he made sure to nuzzle them the most; no one would be going for the lizard's neck now that the Mech was here to defend him.

Godzilla noticed the Mech's silence, "You see my scars, don't you? They are nothing to be concerned over now, some are very old." He chuckled, "But i did receive a nasty gash from the ape's axe a few days ago on my thigh, it's still healing."

The Mech glanced down to Godzilla's thigh and indeed saw the huge - still red gash, it did look like it hurt a lot; if he was organic he could only imagine the pain of that.

Godzilla turned the Mech's attention from his thigh to his face using a cupped hand at his lower jaw to gently turn the Mech's head. "There is no need to worry, I am okay, I've survived a lot worse."

The comment gave the metal titan some reassurance, but not much, though he didn't press further on the subject and resumed laying down and cuddling as they watched the sunset.

Godzilla vs Kong: What If?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora