Chapter 10

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Warning: Heavy fluff, make-outs, and sexual content. Skip this chapter or sections of this chapter if you do not want to read it.

Morning came around quick enough and with it the haul of dead whales and fish Mech held within his hands and jaws, he decided to slip out while Godzilla was sleeping after their talk to go for an early breakfast catch. Most of what he caught was for storing in the cave but the rest was for Godzilla so he had the energy ready - and for his breakfast, of course.

Crouching down and placing the food that was for storage into one tight corner of the cave away from thieving predators or scavengers, Mech then dropped two whales just in front of Godzilla and was silently amused to find that he woke up to the smell of breakfast so quickly. Godzilla's eyes adjusted to the world around him and he raised his head from the ground, staring down at the whales then to the sitting titanium titan at the cave entrance.

There were no words exchanged between them, just a simple nod from Mech and a faint, warm smile from Godzilla as he devoured the bodies easily, he instantly felt better inside after having food. Godzilla then sniffed around and spotted the storage pile at the far corner and was thankful for his other half's effort at first daylight. He crawled to exit the cave and lovingly gave Mech nuzzles for his effort, Mech returned said affection by rubbing his metallic muzzle down the side of Godzilla's neck, his hands gently feeling at the recent scars on the lizard's sides.

Godzilla let out a purr, pressing into Mech as his still sensitive scars were touched in such a delicate manner. His own hands rested on a slightly cold metal chest, though he knew his metal doppelganger had no physical heart; he could feel his systems whirring steadily faster as if that was to mimic a heartbeat. He felt Mech rub at his sides gently, giving the upmost care he could manage, it warmed Godzilla's battle-worn heart that such titan would be capable of small, intimate gestures like these.

At this point Mech was laying against a cave wall just shy off the grassy entrance with Godzilla almost completely on top of him, not that the Mech minded; the morning was about protecting and showing how much he was willing to love and care for the titan on him. As he was cherishing and feeling the many scars on the scaly body almost straddling him now, his entire system nearly glitched as he registered Godzilla's tongue within the crook of his neck, if he could get goosebumps - that was the moment. He let out a pleased whirr and his hands moved to rub and massage Godzilla's thighs, taking care to give extra love to the scar adorning his left thigh that he recieved from Kong days ago.

Godzilla was indeed licking the crook of Mech's neck, through all the love the titan has given him; he thought he should return the favor in some way. Godzilla knew he felt it all too, as they had discussed Mech's strange nervous system days prior, he let his hands explore Mech's chest and sides as he went from licking to nibbling at Mech's neck - with the sole intention to leave a mark as is with any pair in the world; leaving marks on another is a symbol of protection and infinite adoration. Godzilla did not care about other titans seeing it, nor did he care about the humans spotting it, Mech was now Godzilla's as Godzilla was now Mech's and nothing would change that. Mech had already claimed Godzilla when they mated, now Godzilla had to claim him by biting and leaving a permanent mark.

And Godzilla knew his teeth were incredibly sharp, he trusted his teeth to inflict as much pain as his claws, but he knew the Mech can certainly feel and so bit and nibbled lightly at first so his mate did not think he was going to spill his mechanical jugular.

As Godzilla slowly worked with Mech's neck, said titan released gentle hums and groans of pleasure, feeling the full weight of Godzilla now on top of him as the titan had silently shuffled over during their time embracing eachother. Mech ran his hands around Godzilla's hips and base of his tail, growling with pleased satisfaction that Godzilla pressed a little firmer into Mech as a response.

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