Chapter 8

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Day broke quite quickly, the sun's rays coated Godzilla's charcoal grey scales in warm light, symbolising the dawn of a new day. He woke up finding the Mech with his feet dipped in the water staring out to the void of the ocean ahead, it was like he was lost in thought. Godzilla pulled himself up to two legs but hissed as it felt like he had ran a marathon; his legs and entire lower body was painful to the touch, his muscles sore and tight. The Mech heard the hiss and turned his head to look at Godzilla.

"I did not expect you to be up so early, much less be standing right now." He commented, he was sure Godzilla's entire lower body was in pain and was one hundred percent certain Godzilla felt every bit of it.

"I do recall last night, however I was not expecting to be this sore." Godzilla snorted lightheartedly and smirked.

The Mech chuckled and stood up, "Well, I got the job done didn't I?" He whirred smugly and walked to the other titan. 

Godzilla rolled his eyes, "Maybe a little too well, but I'm thankful it happened no matter the outcome." He gave the Mech a loving nuzzle before trying to stretch his legs by walking around the beach.

"I trust you delivered some of your fluids to the humans, yes?" Godzilla questioned, wincing every so often as he walked.

The Mech watched, "I did, we should go visit them to see what they do with it, let's be honest; I did leave it on their balcony for all to see so they better do something with it." He replied, following a slower than usual Godzilla to the human settlement and to Kong. He could only imagine the look on the ape's face when he finds the fluids there, it was definitely going to be amusing.

As they approached the base, they were greeted with the disgusted look of Kong staring at the fluids. Godzilla cleared his throat to bring Kong back to reality while the Mech told the lizard to rest for now to allow his muscles time to recover.

Godzilla layed down stomach first on the soft ground below, using the mountain nearby to perch his head up on as the rest of his body slumped down.

The Mech was glad Godzilla was resting and turned his attention to the base and Kong, ready to answer the questions that Godzilla is too physically exhausted to reply to.

Kong exhaled, "First off, the fact that Godzilla is literally resting against a mountain is clear enough evidence for me to assume you literally went hard on him." He commented, his eyes narrowed at the metal titan in front of him.

The Mech chuckled, "That is putting it lightly, but that is all I will let you indulge on as that is private information between me and Godzilla." He responded.

Kong nodded, he understood they would have a private life and respected that; it didn't stop his questions though. "The fluids, right now the humans are as disturbed as me looking at it - no offense, but they have taken samples and have proceeded with the testing." Kong told the Mech, it all happened quite early in the morning as everyone here realised the longer they let the fluid sit the more it stank the building and no body wanted that.

"They got what they needed, now they just requested that it be-" Kong was interrupted when Godzilla had collected water from the ocean into his mouth and dumped it onto the balcony to clean the fluids off it, it was successful and so Godzilla snorted and returned to his position on the mountain; occasionally hissing at the pain.

"Anything else?" The Mech grunted softly, he didn't want Godzilla to move but it seems he was too stubborn and done the task that the metal titan was going to do anyway.

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