Chapter 6

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The ballroom was filled with chatter.

It wasn't often that the king threw together celebrations or events like this, especially so last minute. The vampires all wondered what could possibly be going on. What was the reason for this occasion? Yet they were all extremely excited as well, as a celebration obviously meant good news. Chris was well-liked by his people, but rarely did things like this, despite the fact that the last king threw balls and parties all the time. This made the vampires gathered in the ballroom all the more curious. With everything happening with the war, a celebration to lift everyone's spirits was definitely in order.

The ballroom fit perfectly with the rest of the home. The stair railings were made of a dark brown cherry wood, while the floors were a white and gray marble. The high ceiling formed a dome shape, and another crystal chandelier hung from it. This room did not get to be used very often, and it was nice that it was finally getting to be displayed.

 This room did not get to be used very often, and it was nice that it was finally getting to be displayed

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The upper level of the ballroom overlooked the lower level. Right above the stairs, the railing jutted out ever so slightly so as to form a sort of balcony on the second level, and this is where Chris stood when he stepped out, still in his tux from earlier.

This garners the attention of the vampires on the lower level. They all turn and look up to where he stood, then a round of applause sounds through the ballroom, as everyone was eager to hear their king speak.

Chris swallows, having never been so nervous to address his people before. He was very well-liked among them, and was worried about that changing when he would make his announcement. However, he keeps a fairly calm composure as the applause dies down and he begins to speak.

"Good evening, everyone," He starts, "Thank you all for coming tonight so last minute. I know it's been a strange couple of days on the compound, and I've been rather quiet as to what I've been up to. More details of that will come about in the coming days, but tonight is about celebration.

"For nearly three centuries, you've trusted me to be your king. I thank you for the faith that you've had in me all this time - and I ask that that faith continue when I tell you what I wish to tell you...I've been ruling alone for the entirety of my reign, but I'm pleased to tell you all that this will no longer be the case...I've found your queen."

A few gasps, then the audience once again bursts into cheers and applause. You could feel the excitement and curiosity in the air. Who would their new queen be? What would she be like? They were all incredibly invested and interested to learn more about this development.

Chris chuckles as the applause once again dies down, "Thank you," He says, jokingly, "Now, due to circumstances with the war, we...decided to wed in private, as I hope you'll understand. I have some things to say about the war as well, but...before I get to that, I'd like to introduce you to your new queen."

Evanora stood in another nearby room, able to hear every word Chris was saying. She was nervous out of her mind, just hoping that the audience downstairs wouldn't riot upon hearing the news. She slowly makes her way out to join Chris as he continues.

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