Chapter 8

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As time went on, Chris and Evanora grew closer and closer. There were still plenty of tensions to be had between witches and vampires, because it was unrealistic to believe that any beef would go away immediately. However, it definitely seemed as though things between the two species were well on their way to becoming much better. Evanora had even brought on a few witches onto the staff at the compound, warding the grounds and providing magickal support and protection from any rebels. Over all, Evanora's first couple of weeks as queen were a success.

While Chris was sweet to the vampire children, and sweet to Evanora in private, she also definitely got to see where and how Chris got his reputation for ruling with an iron fist. He was stern, he was tough, and what he said goes - unless, of course, Evanora had anything to say about it. She was the only one who Chris ever allowed to question him; he held up his end of the deal in that she would be his equal, both in their marriage and in how they ruled the kingdom.

Evanora was so, incredibly intelligent. Chris loved watching her discuss diplomatic matters with the other vampires, already knowing their law and government structures so well. Watching her brush her hair behind her ear, or smile with her perfect pink lips, all while being the queen he'd always imagined himself one day having, made Chris start to like Evanora a lot more than he thought he might.

Getting to see Chris behind closed doors was good for Evanora. She certainly got to see why he developed a reputation for ruling with an iron fist, but she also got to see him laugh with his friends and playfully interact with the vampire children. There were also little things that subtly made her feel more attracted to him, like watching him roll up the sleeves of his dress shirts, or tightening his ties when he was getting ready in the morning. However, she also liked watching him in candid moments, like when he was playing guitar or reading a book. He was also affectionate with her, a lot more of a hugger and a snuggler than Evanora would have anticipated; he was so sweet in so many ways.

Not to mention, despite how busy Chris was, he always made sure to spend some time with Evanora each day. While their emotional relationship status was still a bit murky, he didn't want Evanora feeling abandoned.

"How are your witches adjusting?" Chris asked Evanora one day when he had a few minutes to spare, wanting to catch up with her.

"Good! I definitely think including witches into the work being done on the compound was a good idea."

"Good, I'm glad. And how are you, have you been doing okay?"

"I've been here three weeks, Chris, I'm doing just fine."

"Okay, I just wanna make sure. I know this has been a lot to adjust to." He brings Evanora into his arms and kisses the top of her head, "We should have made an alliance a long time ago. We make a pretty good team."

Evanora looks up to him and smiles, then he leans down and kisses her. If they were being honest, the two of them still weren't entirely sure of what to make of their relationship. Sometimes Chris would lay in bed with Evanora at night and hold her, and they did kiss every now and then, but it was all like a light-hearted, high school romance that didn't have a lot of depth to it at the moment.

There were definitely still times where they got on each other's nerves - that didn't just go away over night, especially with Evanora having been known among the vampires for being Chris's biggest annoyance in the past. However...he was definitely beginning to like her a lot more than he used to.

Chris smiles into their kiss and rests his hands on Evanora's hips, "Mmm...I like this skirt on you."

Evanora giggles. She'd been wearing a tight pencil skirt that went to her mid-thigh, and admittedly made her ass look incredible.

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