Chapter 12

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Six months later.

"Is it common for witches to catch human illnesses?"

It was thirteen months into Chris and Evanora's marriage. There were about a million and a half ups and downs along the way. There were a lot of adjustments to be made in both the vampire and witchcraft kingdoms. However, there were far fewer tensions between the two species than there had been prior to the marriage.

It honestly helped that Chris and Evanora had managed to actually fall in love along the way. When their people saw that the two of them actually loved each other, and that their marriage had become something more than just politics over time, the witches and vampires each gained a lot more respect for the king and queen.

For their first anniversary, Chris and Evanora took some time away, which they hadn't had many opportunities to do in the past. They went to Italy, where Chris showed Evanora where he'd grown up and some other important places to him. They also did your typical touristy shit, and stayed in a top notch Airbnb where they fucked a lot.

A while after they returned from their trip, Evanora had started complaining of migraines. She would get them every now and then anyway, but they seemed to be getting worse. It was to the point where she borderline couldn't function during the daytime because the light hurt her eyes so much.

"Sometimes," Evanora says in response to Chris's question, "I wonder if I picked up something while we were in Italy."

"That was a month ago." Chris lays a hand on Evanora's forehead, "God, you're burning up."

"I am?"

"Yeah, does anything else feel weird?"

"I'm a little queasy, but I always get that way when I get migraines."

Bean, Evanora's familiar, hops up on the bed and sits down next to her. He begins meowing incessantly, as if he had something important to say.

"You're right, we should get Rowan," Evanora says.

"How do you understand him?" Chris asks.

"Go fetch Rowan and tell her I need every healing tonic she can come up with," Evanora tells Bean, completely disregarding Chris's question.

Bean Meows in response, then hops off the bed and runs off to find Rowan.

"I'm really kind of worried about you," Chris says, "You don't think one of the stregas in Italy put a curse on you or something?"

"Doubt it, I'd have picked up on it by now."

"Hmm..." Chris hums, "Well, they need me on the north end of the compound, will you be okay?"

"Yeah. We'll send for you when Rowan figures out what's wrong with me."

Chris nods, then kisses the top of Evanora's head, "I love you."

"I love you too."


"It doesn't look like this was witchcraft. It probably just fell during the storm," One of the witches on the compound explains. A tree had fallen the night before, destroying some of the fences around the compound. Some of the vampires had been worried that this may have been an attack of some sort, which is why they asked Chris to go take a look and have him consult some other witches on the matter. However, it didn't seem to be an attack of any sort, and was more than likely just natural causes.

"Okay, that's a relief. Gather up some people to start making repairs on the fences."

"Will do, your highness."

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