Chapter 10 (Explicit Content)

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When Evanora had first suggested that she and Chris marry, Chris knew right from the get-go that he wanted to ensure that Evanora was comfortable.

Of course he did. It was just common decensy. Not to mention her obvious feelings of unease when she'd shared her memories with him.

However, making small changes here and there to ensure Evanora wouldn't be spending eternity in misery was far different from what Evanora had done for Chris earlier. She'd put herself through an immense amount of pain for him. Hell, Chris didn't really know how powerful the spell that had killed the trespasser vampire was; for all Chris knew, Evanora had risked her life for him. Or, maybe she would have been were it not for her accomplishing immortality.

One of the things that Chris liked about Evanora from the moment he met her was her willingness to die for those she was loyal too. He just never imagined that he would ever be one of them.

Then again, looking back on everything that the two of them had been through together, if it came down to it, even decades ago...Chris probably would have sacrificed himself in some way to save her too. He certainly would now.

Chris is slightly brought out of his thoughts when Evanora walks out of the bathroom in tight biker shorts and a baggy tank top.

"Hey," Chris says, "How are you feeling?"

"So much better," She says.

Chris stands, "Really?"

"Yeah. Rowan is a healing expert, she knew just what I needed. I'm pretty much back to normal. How are you though? I know today was rough for you too."

It was kind of unbelievable. She'd put her body and mind through so much turmoil, yet she was still concerned for him.

Her spirit was something incredibly rare.

Chris doesn't say anything in response. He just steps forward, puts his hands on either side of Evanora's face, and kisses her deeply. She seems surprised, but reciprocates, wrapping her arms around Chris's neck as she stands on her tiptoes. Chris breaks the kiss, then leans down as he wraps his arms around Evanora's torso and rests his chin on her shoulder.

"Thank you," He says, softly.

"For what?"

"For saving me."

Evanora tightens her embrace around him and shuts her eyes, breathing him in, "I'll always be there to save you."

Chris exhales, then slowly starts kissing up and down Evanora's neck. He took his time, letting his lips trail every inch of her skin that they could. Evanora shuts her eyes and gives a small hum, enjoying the warmth as Chris made his way from her ear, down her neck and to her collarbone and shoulders. He was so gentle with her, in the way that he held her and kissed her.

He makes his way back up her neck, and eventually kisses her lips again. Evanora couldn't deny that kissing her husband was slowly becoming an addiction. She loved the way his tongue glided against hers, the way he sucked on her bottom lip. For someone whose diet consisted of only blood, he tasted so sweet.

Chris breaks the kiss for a moment, then takes both of Evanora's hands. His eyes never leave hers as he slowly walks backwards to the sofa. He sits down, and she climbs onto his lap so that she's straddling him. Evanora wraps her arms around Chris's neck, and he tightly wraps his around her torso, hugging themselves to each other as they kissed again. Being so close to him was euphoric.

Savoring every moment and movement as he kissed her, Evanora's hands eventually trail down Chris's shoulders and chest, to his torso. Her fingers delicately make their way under Chris's shirt, as he'd changed while Evanora was in the bath and was now only in a black T-shirt and gray joggers, which she was loving. Her fingers trace Chris's sides, and he gets the clue very quickly, breaking the kiss and taking his shirt off.

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