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A/N: I have several more stories y'all should check out after this! Thanks for enjoying it 🥰

A month later.

Evanora lay on the bed, and Rowan sat on the edge of it next to her, pendulum in hand.

"Okay, just relax..."

Chris lay on his side next to Evanora, watching as Rowan hovers the pendulum over Evanora's belly, which still wasn't really showing, but she was far enough along for them to be doing this. The pendulum begins to sway, then Rowan smiles.

"It's a girl."

Evanora smiles; Chris squeezes her hand and kisses her temple. Evanora exhales and laughs, then looks up to Chris.

"You are gonna spoil her rotten, aren't you?"

"Obviously," Chris states.

"Congratulations, guys," Rowan says, "I've gotta go get to a coven meeting. Keep me posted on your little princess."

"Will do," Evanora says, sitting up. Rowan bids them goodbye, then walks out, shutting the door behind her.

Evanora smiles, "Rowan has been doing so well as coven leader. I knew she could do it."

"Do you ever wish you hadn't left?"

Her smile grows, "If I had stayed, I wouldn't be here, dork. I love the life that I've built with you."

Chris smiles, then leans down and kisses Evanora softly, unable to believe how much their lives had changed over such a short amount of time.

They come apart, then Evanora exhales, "Should we tell the kingdom?"

"Get ready for a tidal wave of gifts."

Evanora snorts, "Good. We'll probably need an infinite amount of clothes."

"Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how she ages. Clearly, she's growing now. Since your pregnancy is progressing like a normal human or witch pregnancy, I wonder if she'll grow and age like a normal human after she's born."

"Or grow until she's an adult and then stop like vampire children."

"She's gonna be an adventure, that's for sure."

Admittedly, Chris and Evanora's biggest fear was their child not being immortal. Being born half-vampire, there was a chance she would be! But being born half-witch, and given that witches were not typically immortal and Evanora was merely an exception...there was a chance her daughter would not be immortal. With Evanora and Chris being immortal, having only a human lifetime with their daughter would go by in a blink, and make for a much longer eternity without her.

They tried not to focus on this though. If their daughter ended up not being immortal, they would cherish every moment they did have with her.

Announcing to the kingdom that a Princess was officially on the way resulted in a ton of celebration. There were also new laws written, specifically about her, as the vampire King and Queen had never had a child before. This child - or, in the chance of adopted vampire children of future rulers - would, in fact, be next in line for the throne, should she turn out to be immortal. However, she could reject the position if she would like, and someone else would take over.

"So, you're not worried about her usurping you, like the last king feared?" Evanora asks as Chris officially signs the law into place.

Chris shakes his head, "Nah. Besides, I don't think I wanna be King forever."

"You don't?"

"Well, I mean, I love my kingdom, and would definitely want to be King for at least another few hundred years, assuming the earth doesn't completely burn by then, but...down the line, I think I'd wanna slow down. Get a house with you in the mountains somewhere and just enjoy our lives. Our freedom."

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