Chapter 7 (Trigger Warning)

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Trigger Warning: The stories of the vampire children are told in this chapter and it's just kinda sad.

A couple hours later, Evanora again wakes up alone, then remembers Chris saying that he'd gone off to get some work done.

Her eyes suddenly widen.

She was a married woman now. Not to mention, Queen of the Vampires.

After another moment of processing, Evanora stretches, then decides she should get up and start getting ready, as today was her first official day as queen and she had no idea what that was going to look like. While she knew that Chris wore suits a lot, she put on a simple pair of jeans and a sweater, and tied a bandana on her head for her veil, as she was still unfamiliar with a lot of the vampires that resided on the compound.

Evanora walks downstairs and makes her way to what was technically the kitchen, though there wasn't much use for it other than using the large refrigerator and freezer to store blood bags. However, Evanora had been told that there would be food for her added as well, so she'd decided to scope it out.

When Evanora opens the right side of the fridge, she is met with dozens of blood bags all lined up. Evanora scrunches her face up and groans in disgust.

"Try the other side," A voice says.

Evanora turns and finds herself face-to-face with another one of Chris's advisors.

"Ryan, right?"

"That's me. Try the other side of the fridge."

Evanora follows his advice, then opens the other side of the fridge to find that there was regular food put in there as well.

"Thanks," She says, grabbing a couple things, "Is Chris in his study?"

"No, I'm actually not sure where he is."

"He's at the west end of the compound," Another vampire answers, walking in.

"And you're Justin," Evanora says, trying to keep everyone's names straight.

Justin smiles, "Correct. Have you been given a proper map of the compound?"

"I think so." Evanora pulls out her phone where she had a digital version of the map. Justin walks over and shows her where on the map Chris was.

"He's gonna be all the way at the edge, in this more hidden patch of woods."

"Why is he so far away?" Evanora asks.

Justin smiles, "Go find him, I think you'll like what you see."


Evanora had opted for combat boots as she was essentially hiking. She was able to grab a car ride to the west end of the compound, but it was advised that she be dropped off at a walking path - something about her liking what she would see. The forest was beautiful, with yellowing leaves and prosperous wildlife, but Evanora couldn't quite focus on it, wondering what Chris was off doing so far away.

Eventually, Evanora finds herself near what almost looked like a mini neighborhood that she hadn't previously been aware of. A small handful of buildings, homes and cars. She thought she could hear laughter nearby, and it's at hearing the laughter that Evanora realizes where she is, and she smiles.

This was where the vampire children and their adopted families resided.

As she continues down the path, Evanora eventually finds herself looking at a playground. The young blonde girl whom she'd seen with Chris the night before sat at the top of one of the slides, and Chris stood down at the bottom. He was not in his typical suit this time, but in a T-shirt and jeans.

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