Chapter 6

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Jane The Killer

"Jane!" I hear Sally yell from across the hall. I walk over to her room to see what she is yelling about. When I open the door to her room I see her sitting at her tea table with Toby, Masky, and Hoodie sitting with her.

"What is it Sally?" I ask.

"Can you play with us?" She asked.

"Okay." I shrugged and took a seat at the table. She handed me a cup of tea with a little saucer under it. She then took a sip of her tea.

"Toby, pinkie up." She told Toby. He muttered something under his breath and put his pinkie up. I watched them as they sipped their tea, lifting their mask up slightly so they could actually drink it. This is the most I have seen of any of their faces.

"Jane, what is that on your neck?" Sally asked. I panicked for a second as all eyes focused in on that damn hickey on my neck. I forgot about it until now. My face turned red in embarrassment and slight anger.

"Its nothing, I must have gotten bit." I tried to find a reasonable explanation. I heard Hoodie, of all people, snicker after I said that. I sent a glare in his direction and he stopped.

"I need to go take care of some things Sally. Have fun with these weirdos." I got up and walked out. Right when I shut the door, guess who I run into? Jeff the fucking killer. I quickly walked away before he could say anything.

"You didn't even try to cover up the mark I made. You must be proud of it." I could hear the smugness in his voice. I turned around to tell him off but instead I came face to face with his chest. I backed up so I was out of his reach. I tried to think of something to say that would make him upset.

"No, I actually forgot about it." I told him. He tried to frown but it didn't work because of the smile cut in his face.

"That's a shame, I worked hard to make that." He said, faking sadness.

"What do you want from me Jeff?" I asked, tired of his antics.

"Your body."

"Hell no!" I shouted at him. I practically ran back to my room slamming and locking it when I made it in.

Jeff The Killer

Well it was worth a try. I watched her as she ran back to her room. I don't know why but I have just been craving her lately. I don't get it.

"Jeff?" I turned around to see Hoodie, Masky, and Ticci Toby standing behind me.

"Did you do that to Jane?" Masky asked. I smirked looking away from them.

"Maybe I did? So what?" I told them, still smirking.

"Damn Jeff. I thought you two hated each other's guts and other stuff?" Hoodie asked confused.

"That's her problem." I shrugged. They walked away since they knew they weren't going to get anymore information out of me. I'll leave Jane alone for the rest of the day. But I'll get to her eventually. I'll break her.

Behind Enemy Lines *UNDER CONSTUCTION*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora