Chapter 13

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Ok now i know what yall are thinking. 'Where have you been for over a month?!'. The answer is simple, I AM ONE LAZY ASS WRITER. Sorry for not updating. The truth is that i had writers block and didnt know where to take the story next. But im back with ideas.

Anyway, on with the story.


Jane The Killer (1 month later)

"Jane, can you play with me?" I saw Sally peeking through the door to my room. I sighed and went to get up when I felt two arms wrap tightly around my waist and pull me back down into the bed.

"But I wanted to play with you today." I heard Jeff whisper into my ear. I felt my face go red.

"Maybe later." I pried his arms off of me and went over to Sally. As I was walking down the hallway I started to feel a little nauseous. Quickly ran into the closest room.

"What the fu-" BEN was cut off by Sally yelling something. Just as I made it to the toilet I threw up.


"Shut it Link look a like." I retorted.


"What is going on in- Jane?" I looked up to see Slendy standing in the doorway of BEN's bathroom.

"Oh no." I heard him whisper.

"What is it Slendy?" I heard Sally ask.

"I need all of you to leave for about ten minutes." Slenderman ushered BEN and Sally out.

"Jane, did you miss your period." I looked at Slendy for a second.

"That is none of your busin- OH MY GOD!" It just hit me that I hadn't had it in over a month.

"I'm going to get you a pregnancy test." He disappeared for a moment and came back with three different ones. I took them and he disappeared again.

After I laid out all three of the sticks I waited for two minutes for the results. When time was up I looked at the first stick. Then the second one. And then the final one. I looked at all three in disbelif.

"OH SHIT. SHIT. SHIT." I ran out of the BEN's room and into my room. Jeff was had just put his pants on when I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Jane, whats wrong?" He asked trying get me to look at him.

"I'm pregnant." I was still panicking and waiting for Jeff's reaction. His impossiblely wide eyes went wider and he let me go.

"Oh no." He breathed out. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"I don't wanna be a dad. I don't think I can handle this." He backed away and opened the door to my bedroom and left. I stared at the door in shock. I sunk to the floor and stsrted tearing up. How could he? Right when I need him the most. I can't believe this! No! Now is not the time to cry. Now is the time to kick this sorry bastards ass! I slowly got up and made my way to his room. As I opened the door to his room I heard him crying. Why the hell is he the one crying?!

"OK YOU SON OF A BITCH I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU ONE CHANCE TO TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU JUST LEFT ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled at him. He jumped up in suprise and then turned to face me. I looked at him and started shaking with anger.

"Jane, calm down, I was just not expecting it." He tried to explain.

"OH AND I WAS?!" I started fuming. He reached a hand out toward me and a slapped it away.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME." He ignored me and pulled me into a tight hug. I started beating against his chest but he still wouldn't let me go. I was still struggling when I heard him whisper something into my ear.

"I told you once before that I wouldn't let you go, and I meant it." I stopped struggling and turned my face so I could see him. He connected his forehead to mine and looked deep into my eyes.

"So you won't leave me or the kid?" I asked him.

"No. I will stay. I was kinda freaked out at first, but now I'm kind of excited. You, me, a little killer. Sounds good, right?" His eternal smile widened. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Sounds good."

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