Chapter 12

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Jeff The Killer

"Jeff! Get down here!" I smirked when I walked into the kitchen and LJ was pacing infront of the pantry where he stored his 'candy'.

"What did you do with my candy?" He asked me angrily. I just shrugged and turned to walk away when I heard Jane's horrified shriek. I ran to find her and ended up at the front door. She was slumped in the doorway shaking with her eyes wide and hand covering her mouth. I ran to where she was.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder. She pointed a shaky finger at the steps.

That's when I saw him. EJ's head was two feet away from his body which was burned badly. Zalgo did this. I was about to call Slendy when he teleported in front of us.

"Go, I'll take care of this." Then wrapped EJ up in his tentacles and teleported. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked back at Jane who was covering her face, barely moving at all. I shook her a litke bit but she still didnt move. Ill have to carry her. I scooped her up bridal style and started walking to her room. I almost bumped into Ben as I was going up the steps. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I just sent him a death glare and kept walking.

When I made it to her room I set her down on the bed carefully and turned around to talk to Slendy when she grabbed the hem of my hoodie.

"Please, don't go." Jane whispered. I turned around to face her. She had her head resting on her knees, her wide eyes staring up at me. I sighed and climbed in. She instantly clung to me, like if she let go I would disappear.

"Its ok, I'm not going anywhere." I reassured her, stroking her hair. Then she started sobbing uncontrollably. I held her tightly until she fell asleep in my arms.

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