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A/N -> 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽That is Peggy Carter, Rosa's mum

Both I and Professor Snape snapped our head to look at the door; we saw my mum, Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid. Mum took one look at me and I saw a relief brushing over her face. Then she straight came towards me. Madam Pomfrey tried to stop her, but she dodged her easily and embraced me in a warm hug. I hugged her back. I was so happy to see her in the middle of school year.

"Mum, how the fuck are you here?" I was so surprised, that I forgot about my language, until she snapped at me, "Rosa language, your professors are here."

"I am so sorry." I said looking at everyone. "I am not in my right mind now. Please tell me this is not a dream. Are you really here?" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes, ready to fall.

"Well your Headmaster was kind enough to inform me. I told him immediately that I wanted to see you, and if he was not willing to help, I will do everything in my power to come to Hogwarts. Then he sent Hagrid by fire chimney and I appeared like fifteen minutes ago with Hagrid through the fire chimney again."

"That's called travelling by Floo. I don't believe this; wait if you are here, then who is with granny?" I asked her. "Well, she is in an Old age home now. A month ago she decided to shift there, because she was getting really bored in the house with you and Rue gone. She got friends there and I see her every weekend. She is happy. I did not want to force anything on her against her wishes."

"What? You never mentioned this?"

"I was not sure if she will stay there, I thought she will come back. But a month passed, she did not even mention coming back. I have not seen her so happy since a long time. I was going to inform you in a few days, but then I got your headmaster's letter."

"It's good for her. I am so happy for her."

Then I looked around and realized Professor Snape was still standing there in utter shock, as to how a Muggle was there right under his nose, sitting and talking to me so casually.

"Oh mum, you have met Hagrid; let me tell you Hagrid is the one with the biggest heart around here and a very cute puppy, his name is Fang and I like to squeeze him all the time. This is madam Pomfrey, our healer, if you are sick and trying to escape the hospital wing, you might as well be prepared to feel her wrath. And this is Professor Snape, our Potions teacher." I told her, flushed when I introduced Snape to her.

Mum looked at him and said, "Oh you are Professor Snape. Oh my god I have heard so much about you whole summer; you are just like we imagined you would be."

"And how exactly did you imagine I would be?" He asked in a cold voice, with a bit of shock clearly painted across his face.

"Tall fair young handsome with a stern look, long hair, which she mentioned the most; always looking down on everyone and giving detention."

"Really, Ms. Diaz, I did know that's how you describe your professors at home." He said, with a sneer on his face, staring me down. I could feel his gaze boring my skin. Oh, how much I wanted to fly out of the window by now. Or jump into Black Lake, or just take the train back home. She is way too much at times.

"Mum, I never said anything like that about Professor Snape." I was literally whispering into her ear, clearly indicating her to shut up now.

"Oh please, I know you are embarrassed but I made up my mind that one day if get a chance to meet your Professor Snape, I am definitely going to tell him. Even Rue said that. If she was here, she would have done the same thing." she added with a smile, so innocent, like she does not know what she is doing.

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora