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I dressed up in my party wear and Severus just transfigured his jacket into a long emerald overlong coat with silver cufflinks and inside the shirt I could see a thin speck of silver shining. I flushed knowing that he kept my picture so close to his heart.

When he saw me I caught him staring at me with wide eyes and I blushed. 

"Oh my god you are looking so pretty, baby." Mum cried out. "I can't believe you are so grown up."

"Mum not now, not in front of Professor Snape." I looked at Severus from the corner of my eye. She saw me looking at him and gave a smirk. I ignored it and walked out with him, bidding them good-bye.

When we went outside, at a certain distance from the main door, Severus leaned over and whispered in my ear in his deep baritone voice, "You are looking very beautiful, Rosa," and pressed his lips on my forehead.

"You always look handsome, but today you are looking something. I have to say this; no one can don black like you do. It's your colour." He gave out a chuckle in his rich baritone voice, which caused my lower abdomen to barrel roll. I pecked his lips one last time before we disapparated.

We apparated near the Malfoy Manor. The feeling of tightening around the chest, squeezing through the rubber tube and falling free were still the same, however I got used to it.

We stood in front of huge iron gates, which were open now. We walked on the lane that led straight from the gates; flanked on both sides by wall sized hedges and a few peacocks were roaming about in the adjoining garden. We then turned right and the manor came to view. It was a darker smaller version of Hogwarts, however on the occasion of a party it was well lit and faint music reached my ears as we drew closer. Severus was holding my hands all the while, as we reached near the manor door, he let go of me and gave me a nod. I knew it. We talked about it yesterday. He said many of the friends here were Death Eaters before. He didn't want them to know that we were together, not until I was satisfactorily good enough with my spells. We didn't even knock, the door opened itself and a house-elf took our coats and ushered us inside into the next room, which was even larger than the one where we dropped off our coat.

A large chandelier hang from the ceiling, the whole place was made with black marbles and the elves did a great job of keeping them spotless and shiny. Trays of drinks in small tub shaped glasses with long stems were floating around and pausing at anyone who wanted any and the glasses floated to the concerned person.

Narcissa saw us entering and walked towards us. She wrapped me in a hug and placed a light kiss on my cheek. Then she turned towards Severus and simply smiled and took his hand. Following her, Goldilocks and their little son, walked toward us. Lucius took my hand kissed the back of my hand and hugged Severus like an old friend. Their little son simply beamed at me.

"Hey there, what was your name, I forgot."

"Draco." He squeaked.

" are you doing?"

"I am good." Then I turned my attention towards Narcissa, who was waiting to say something.

"You look so pretty Rosaline. Now you are dressed up like a proper lady I must say."

"You yourself look very beautiful Mrs. Malfoy and as for you too, Mr. Malfoy, you look dashing." He was really looking good. He was adorned in a black super-expensive suit with a blue shirt underneath, their little son was also dressed in black suit with a off white shirt underneath, which made him look like a little gentleman and Narcissa had put a black and golden dress on, which covered her best parts up to the neck and were full sleeved. Her blonde hair was carefully resting on her shoulder. And all of them had this air of confidence around them.

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now