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"Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. How do you feel now?" He said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I had to go to Dumbledore's office to....." he looked away, trying to frame his words correctly.

"I know. Haoran told me when I was fussing about you not being here. I am sorry had to......." but before I could finish, he glared at me with the most venomous look he ever had.

"Don't you dare be sorry Rosa; I am doing it for us. It's my actions they condemned, not yours. And I will answer everyone again and again, as many times as they want me to, I don't care about it." I held on to his hand even tighter. "Let's not talk about it now. It's over. There's nothing to worry now. How are you feeling?"

"I am okay. There's a slight pain here." I said pointing to my chest. "Madam Pomfrey healed whatever was broken. So I should be out in a day or two. Please tell me none of you have informed my mother. It's really nothing....."

"Of course I have informed her. Immediately after I brought you here and Poppy attended to you, I sent owled her and also I have sent Loki to your sister. I have asked them not to worry and that you will write to them as soon as possible."

"You really think asking them not to worry will make them not worry at all." I smirked, I know it never works.

"They trust me. I am your teacher. At least it will stop your mother from coming over here again. I don't want anyone to misbehave with her, like last time Mr. Palmer and his group did. You mother doesn't deserve that. I won't be able to handle everyone." I was filled with immense gratitude. He cared so much for my family. I was damn lucky to have him. I pulled him closer to me and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, smiled at him and said,

"Thank you Sev." He brushed his nose with mine and placed a slow lingering kiss on my forehead.


"Oh c'mon to me buddy." I was released from the hospital wing after two days and my first job was to chase Sean and calm him down. He was giving me 'the silent treatment'. I chased him from the Ravenclaw common room to the library and now we were heading towards the Lake side. Hao and Amy were having their laugh. Sean gave both of them cold looks and he didn't even look at me.

"Dude........listen.......I AM NOT LEAVING QUIDDITCH......OKAY?" I shouted out the last few words. Sean stopped on his tracks and for the first time since I was released from the hospital wing he actually looked at me, but still with doubt painted all over his face. So did Hao and Amy. "Yeah you heard it right. I am not leaving Quidditch. Amy gave me a pep talk after you guys left that day and I thought maybe everyone is right. So I have decided to give it a try and then if it doesn't work out, I will back off, in that case you," I looked at Haoran now, "will be the Captain of the Quidditch team, because I cannot stand that son of a bitch Palmer to become one."

Sean listened to me intently while I gave my speech and when I was done, he gave me the sweetest smile and embraced me into a bone crushing hug. Hao and Amy joined the hug and now we were all standing in the middle of the school grounds huddling together like a bunch of otters. As I was beginning to sweat from all the heat, I shoved them away and we went to sit by the Lake, under the Beech tree.

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"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now