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You can go the distance

You can run the mile

You can walk straight through hell with a smile

~~~~~~~ Hall of Fame (The Script)

I emerged from the green flames into the Headmaster's office. I have been there only once in my entire life, that was during the permission asking for Slughorn's party. This was the second time I was here and as my eyes glanced around the room, twenty-five pairs of eyes of the previous headmasters and headmistresses, all at the same time made me nervous as hell. Then there was Fawkes. He was so calm, never made a single sound. Professor Dumbledore peeped from the floor above his office, which I presumed leads to his sleeping quarters.

"Oh I see you both have arrived. Take a seat, I will be down there in a moment." He smiled at both of us. I half smiled at him, and Severus did not. I sat down at one of the two cosy chairs opposite to the Headmaster's chair. Severus sat beside me. We stayed silent. I was sitting all straight and stern, not sure what Professor Dumbledore had to say to both of us. The portraits were murmuring among themselves. I tried my best to ignore them. Severus sensed my discomfort and placed a hand on mine and smiled in a comforting way. 

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His warm touch and his smile calmed my nerves down and I stopped shaking my leg. At the same time Dumbledore came down with a book in his hand. I was wondering if he was coming down with the rule book or something and may be point out that a teacher and a student can't have any other relationships in or outside school. He sat down politely closing the book, a smile always sticking to his lips.

"Sherbet lemon?" Dumbledore held out a bowl of yellow coloured candies at me with the same smile. My fingers twitched for a second. They looked very tasty. I glanced at Severus once, as if asking for his permission. His head immedeately bowed into a curt nod and I picked up one from the bowl.

"Thank you professor." I beamed at Dumbledore, popping the candy into my mouth. It was sweet and sour in taste but it wasn't exactly that hard to chew. It melted into my mouth gradually within a minute or two and I could chew it then. It did my calm my nerves down eventually.

Dumbledore extended the bowl towards Severus, but he declined sternly.

"How are you doing Ms. Diaz?" Dumbledore asked me.

"I am doing good professor. Thank you." I smiled back at him.

"I see a week off has really helped you resolve your pre-existing issues." I furrowed my brows in question, how did he know about my issues? I looked at Severus but he was looking straight at Dumbledore and his face was unreadable as always. "However I am not here to talk about that, I wanted to talk about the issue which was recently pointed out during the hearing about you two, which may or may not have spread around, since many students have their family members in the Ministry were also present during the hearing." He paused to look at both of us again.

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now