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I woke up at six in the morning. Actually I woke up twice at night, to check the time; once at two and then at four. Everytime I thought "Shit am I late" I glanced the clock, covered my eyes with my hands in disbelief that I was being too paranoid and excited about it at the same time and fall back to sleep, grinning like an idiot.

I had put on my favourite stonewashed blue jeans, but it took me some time to decide the top to go with it, because I did not want to show him that I was desperate to impress him, nor did I want him to feel like this was not special for me. So I took three tops in hand, still wearing my night shirt over the jeans, I ran to Haoran's dorm.

Of course, it was locked from inside. I banged on the door shouting, "Haoran, Sean, open up, I need help." After some time I heard movement, Haoran opened up the door with sleepy eyes.

"What happened?" he asked, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

I entered the dorm, Sean was half awake, his one eye was open, when he saw me, he propped up on his elbow and stared at me blankly. I threw the three tops on the empty bed and said, "Guys, I am a bit stuck here, I have this three tops to go with this jeans, but I don't know which one to wear. Help me out please." I was wringing my hands. They got up instantly and started looking through the tops, they held each one and tried to place them on me from outside, squint their eyes and see from a distance; It was like watching professional fashion designers at work.

After some time they ended up with one and made me try it on immediately, as they left the room for me to change. After they were satisfied with the look, Sean gave his jacket, I tried it on.

"Now what about your hair?" Sean asked

"Leave it open, its straight and nice. It will look good." Haoran said

"No no, make it casual half tie, the way you usually do in the weekends. That looks best." So I did that and both of them were satisfied with my get up.

"Now get out, we were busy before you came in" saying that Sean shut me out of the room and slammed the door on my face. Then again he opened up and said, "In case we do not follow you, practice safe sex" and then he shut the door again.

"Arsehole that's not happening today." I shouted over the closed door. I could hear their giggles on the other side.

It was seven. I thought of waiting for him at therendezvous point but then I thought maybe that will be showing too mucheagerness for the first date, so I thought to read something to calm my nervesdown, or better listen to something. I sat down in the common room with mywalkmann and listened to Queen's songs, checking the watch every five minutes.When it was finally ten minutes to seven-thirty, I realised I forgot to grabbreakfast but did not have time for that. So I placed the walkmann safely backin position and went out.

I thought maybe I might meet him in the dungeon while going out too, but I did not see him. So I assumed, "maybe he is going to be late. So I will be the one waiting. It's fine. He is the teacher, I am the student." I did not want to meet anyone along the way, not even Peeves. So I tiptoed out of the castle and walked towards the gates till I reached the wooden bridge and there he was.

He was leaning on to the bridge railing, watching the Black lake, lost in his deep thoughts. Seeing him reminded me of the moment when his lips were on mine, those breathless moments, those soft gentle caressing, feeling each other's tongues, playing and moving in motion, I was having flashbacks. Then I saw him again, he still did not realise I was standing there. I cleared my mind of those flashbacks, took a deep breath, put my hands in the pockets and walked towards him. It was when I stepped on to the bridge, the woodboards squeaked beneath my feet, he turned towards me and straightened up. He was wearing a black shirt, black trousers with a long, slight overlarge, brown-black coat and an emerald muffler thrown carelessly around his neck.

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora