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Amy guided me through Merlin knows where; the blindfold had shut my eyes too tight to see anything.

"Step again........actually there's a series of steps now going down." Amy's voice guided me, along with her occasional giggling. I know they were trying to surprise me on my birthday and I was ready for it but this was becoming tiresome.

"How much longer.........I feel like a blind person right now." I croaked.

"Hang on......" Finally I was walking on straight platform again and then we halted. I heard the opening of a door and then I was lead somewhere, probably inside a room and I heard the door shut behind me. Amy let go of my blindfold and all I saw was dark. I couldn't even see my own hands in the dark.

"Amy where the heck........" before I could finish, a couple of voices jumped up in front of me shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSA!" and the lights turned on by itself. We were in the Potions classroom. I scratched my head in surprise as I really was when I saw Severus's face alongside Sean and Haoran. They were all waiting for my response.

"Thanks guys! This is really great. I can't believe you all dragged him into this." I said pointing at Severus, who was now smiling at us with his hands clasped behind his back. Sean and Haoran gave me bone crushing hug each, so did Amy and then I went towards Severus. I clasped my arms behind his back and kissed him on the lips, mumbling a sweet short 'thank you' in between the kiss. At this point of time, all three of them were used to it.

"We are celebrating Sean's birthday as well I hope." I asked turning towards them.

"Of course, he has been dying to do this." Haoran replied.

I and Sean cut the cake together, smeared it on each other's faces and then sat down in Severus's office to enjoy the remaining of the cake. Severus stayed away from us when we were smearing cake on each other.

"Who ever thought that I will be celebrating my seventeenth birthday with Professor Snape?" Sean declared. I laughed at him and glanced at Severus once. He was smiling too.

"Remember, it's just a one time thing Mr. Li." He said sternly, maintaining his Professor demeanour.

"Professor, we are some of your most obedient students. Have any of us ever got detention in your class...........of course, except Rosa." He was sniggering at his own comment. I pursed my lips, thinking of the moment when he threw me out of his class for the first time. Severus glanced at me and bowed his head in shame. He was really sorry for that. He has apologised a lot of times by now and I never meant to belittle him. It was just a joke.

"Severus it's alright. We all laugh about it. Just like the time...............when......Sean almost wrecked the whole class. Remember?" Sean apparently understood what was going on and he nodded as well.

"Oh yes. It was you, Professor Snape who realised that I didn't do it on purpose and let me go saying that I should go to Madam Pomfrey if I have to."

"Yes!" Haoran agreed. "When he told me that later, that's when I stopped being afraid of you sir and realised you are indeed a good teacher."

"Please.........don't forget..........he was the one who said he will make you spill out the truth by slipping you Veritaserum." I reminded Sean.

"He just said it. You bloody jinxed me." Sean made face at me.

"Oh....this is how it is? Now you two are teaming up with him against me." I raised my brows at Sean and then at Severus, who was clearly enjoying it.

"Yeah..........that's how it is." Haoran mimicked my voice.

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now