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Snow was beginning to melt. We were piled up with home-work and the constant reminder of O.W.L.S which had put a lot of us into depression. I found myself crying clutching the Potions book sometimes. I was too riled up with getting O in Potions that I was ignoring the other subjects. I wanted to take up Potions for my N.E.W.T. That was not the only reason, I was somehow under the impression that if I lose Potions for these two years, whatever there is between me and Severus; it will cease to happen. I don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose him. Do I love him? I don't know it's too early to say anything like that. But I have started to enjoy his company. Even when he says nothing, I feel like he brightens up my day even with a snort or an eye roll or even when he is just kissing me or even when he is jealous of my friendship with Jack Foster. A part of me knows he is; it is partially the reason I like to keep Foster around, even when I don't seriously like him much.

"I am going to the Charms section to bring a book." I was brought back into the world by Sean's sudden announcement.

We were in the library. We were studying for the upcoming DADA and Charms classes.

"Yep." And then he went on. A few minutes later, Haoran took off for his Divination class. Just before he went, I shouted in hushed tone to him, mimicking Trelawney, "Open you inner eye Haoran." He sniggered shrilly.

"Don't laugh. When I graduate, you are going to predict my future and tell me everything. I am counting on it." He just kept laughing and left. 

"You know if future prediction is what you want; I can help you with that." a cheeky voice whispered from behind me. It was Foster.

"Really, since when did your wand get stuck up in the Divination knot?"

He came around and took the place beside me, where Sean was supposed to sit.

"It's Sean's seat. He is going to be so pissed off. Jack seriously, get up."

"Oh don't worry. I will when he comes back. I wanted to talk to you about something. You have some time to spare now."

"Not much. What do you want to talk about?"

"I think I owe you from one of the Potions' class. You know the day you got kicked out." I frowned at that. It's still the worst day to remember. Even worse than the first day I got my menses.

"You came to remind me that. Thank you. Bye." I turned towards my book.

He placed a hand on my forearm, I shuddered, he removed it immediately and said, "No no Rosa, I wanted to apologise for that. It was my fault too that you got kicked out. I did not mean for that to happen. I am really sorry."

His apology did not seem an honest one, but mum has said when someone apologises to you, you should just forgive and forget.

"Dude its fine. We both got detentions. It makes us even."

"No I don't think it is that simple. I did not get thrown out of class. You were. I want to make it up to you."

I knew what was coming. I should have said no but a part of me was rather having fun, when one of the best looking guys of my year was trying to ask me out. I mean I don't like him or anything, but it just made me feel good. Is it wrong? He meanwhile continued, 

"I was wondering if you have time, then we can maybe go to The Three Broomsticks and I can buy you a Butter beer and then we can all laugh about it. No hard feelings. What do you say?"

I pretended to think and then said, "You know what Jack, now is not the exact time for me to hang out. I mean I rarely get time off all these." I pointed at my books lying around. "The weekend I get off, I am either sleeping like a pig or practicing Quidditch or spending time with my two best friends, who I rarely get to see these days; but hey, how about we all go together?"

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now