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I ran through the morning hustle of ministry workers in the atrium to get to the lift. Last night I stayed up a bit late with Severus and today I woke up late. I was posted in the Auror office for three weeks now and it was going to be the last division before Christmas, which also marked the end of our Internship.

I was so bad at this division. I was always the one making some blunder in every two-three days; whether it's recording information or sending letters to other officials for some important work or maintaining documents or sometimes even accompanying Ministry Patrol workers for some minor errands. Everyone moved so fast here and I was the turtle in the hare race. Now even the corner dingy Misuse of Muggle Artefact office with Arthur and Perkins looked like treat to me. I will never be able to become an Auror. I was sure by now that I wasn't cut out for this job; however Severus kept on repeating into my ear,

"This is how it is supposed to be. Everyone starts from a scratch in this department, even Amelia Bones did. I saw her in school; no one ever thought this woman will become the head of this department someday. You won't rise until you fall and learn to accept it. Love, you are as much cut out for this job, just as I am for teaching Defence against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts."

His words were what helped me get up every morning and make an attempt to reach in time.

I was panting like a dog when I reached the Auror office.

"You are late........again." a voice roared behind me.

"I am sorry Mr. Scrimgeour. I..........woke...up....late." I answered him, looking down at my almost untied shoe laces and the mud sticking all around it.

"Tell me Ms. Diaz, does your Recommendation letter say that you aspire to become an Auror when you pass out this year?"

"Yes.....sir..." I said, looking unsure, as to if he was going to give me some advice or maybe his two pence on that.

"Well......with this attitude, you are definitely going to bid farewell to your dream of becoming one and I suggest you can join the security desk or maintenance.....if only you can handle it." My cheeks turned red with embarrassment. There were other aurors and officials in that office; he was lecturing me in the middle, his voice no matter how deep it is, was audible enough to be heard from the corner.

"I am.....sorry.....sir. It won't happen again." I did not dare to meet his eyes. He left without another word. He was like that to everyone. He was, after all, the Head of the Auror office. I went to my usual desk and put down my bag when the last person I wanted to see popped up.......Foster.

"That what....whoaaaa.......too harsh," He said with a tinge of sympathy in his voice. I did not say anything.

"Don't take it to heart Diaz...."


"You free today? I will be going to Diagon Alley....actually a couple of us......so if you want to come....."

"No. I don't think so. I have to.......revise......Transfigurations....today. We are going to give N.E.W.T. and I don't feel very confident about it now."

"Oh c'mon........it's just a few hours."

"Maybe next time......Jack....please," I gave him a small smile. He rolled his eyes, mumbled something and went off about his work.

"Ms. Diaz, can I have a word?" It was Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt. He is a kind wizard. Like genuinely kind. He always had an air of empathy around him. He never joked upfront in public but his sarcastic comments would always make people laugh and he was always full of it. There was so much to learn from him. And for some reason he was always kind to me; partly I guess because he knew Arthur Weasely very well, apart from the fact that he was at my hearing the entire time.

"NO GREATER MAGIC THAN LOVE" A Severus Snape Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora