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~Good Ending Aftermath~

"Dad?" A voice called out, causing Rumpel to look up from the clock. Rumpel sets down the tiny tool he was using. A small boy stood at the door.

"Yes, Tom? Where's your sisters?" Rumpel asked, as he hops down.

"They're with mom. Mom said to come to eat with us, or it's the couch again. Dad, are you in trouble with mom again?" Tom asked, Rumpel chuckles.

"Your mom is carrying your sibling. I'm not in trouble. Lets go eat before our food gets cold." Rumpel said, as Tom nods, grinning.

"Do you want my teddy if mom puts you in the bad corner?" Tom asked, as Rumpel ruffles his son's hair.

"If I get put in the bad corner, I'll be fine." Rumpel said, as the two walked into the kitchen. Rumpel helps Tom into his chair before jumping up into his.

"Your father was going to go into the bad corner if he didn't join us for dinner." Ashley said, as she sets a bowl of soup in front of Rumpel. A clock chimes, and Ashley pecks Rumpel's head.

"The first chime! Almost time for my contract to come in." Rumpel said. Ashley giggles, as two twins girls coos at the same time.


Rumpel sighs as he climbs into bed. Ashley turns over, as Rumpel looks behind him.

"Sorry to wake you, love. You okay?" Rumpel asked. Ashley smiles softly.

"Just waiting for you. How was the contract?" Ashley asked. Rumpel smiles, as he tooks off his shoes and crawls over to her.

"This one actually went better then the last one. A father wanted me to find his daughter a husband. He didn't care about if the guy was a horrible man or not. He just wanted his daughter to stop being so stubborn. In return for my help, he would give me jewels from his personal chest." Rumpel said, as he settles under the covers. Ashley sighs, as Rumpel caress her growing stomach.

"So he basically asked you to sell his daughter to any man who would marry her?" Ashley asked, and Rumpel nods.

"Yeah, he really asked me that. So I did. I found his daughter a husband. The guy was really ugly, but showered the daughter with everything. Treated the daughter really good. The daughter married him and left her father alone in his home. The father realised what he had done after his daughter left him. The daughter is sending us some gifts from her new home, as a thank you for helping her find a great husband." Rumpel said. Ashley chuckles, as she slowly closed her eyes.

"That sounds nice. Maybe....she'll be....happy...." Ashley said, yawning, as she fell asleep. Rumpel smiles, and pecked her head, before laying down.

"Yeah. I think she'll be really happy." Rumpel said, before closing his eyes.

"WAAHHHHH!!!!" Rumpel sighed, as he sat up, hearing the cries of one of twin girls.

"I got them." Rumpel said, as he got off the bed. Rumpel picks up a stool as the second set of cries echoes down the hall.

"Daddy's coming, girls!" Rumpel called out, as the son's door opened.

"Is Allie hungry again? Sally only cries when Allie cries." Tom said, as he follows Rumpel.

"Sorry your sisters woke you, son. Can you get the bottle for me, while I get Allie?" Rumpel asked, Tom yawns and nods.

"I can do that." Tom said, as Rumpel opens the door.

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